Topic: Search by month and add new line top


i have two question.

1. How can search by month? Situation: i have one Date time picker with format:MMMMyyyy and one Search button .The users set just the month for search. How is this possible ?
2. How can i set to new record add Top of table grid ? I can do it with add some number and sort it descending. But i must sorting by another column. What can i do now ?

Thx, for support.


Re: Search by month and add new line top


1. In the current version you can do it using button with action "SQL query"

SELECT * FROM tablename 
WHERE strftime('%m', datefield) = strftime('%m', {DateTimePicker1})

Also for component DateTimePicker1
set property Format = MMMM

2. This is possible only by using the sorting.
