1 (edited by Archer 2015-05-24 17:00:36)

Topic: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

There are hundred of code snippets all over the forums. It would be great if there was a directory or repository where categorized and organized lists of scripts and other code snippets.  I see it was a "I want to do this" and "here's the code you can use to do it." A great many learned by example and this would be a great way to copy-paste and learn.

Can it be done as part of this forum?  A separate website?  An existing repository?

One thing I've noticed is that many scripts are tied to specific versions of MVD as the developers quickly add new features based on user need, which is great.  So, any code needs to also include that detail.

What does everyone want?

Don Bledsoe

Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Hello Archer

It is true that every MVD's user has to organize himself managing all snippets given by Dmitry (or others users) on MVD forum
In the absence of a repository dedicated to the pieces of code, I choose to use a software managing all kind of notes
I've tested many (in french and in english)
I stopped this program (in english) : http://allmynotes.vladonai.com/
Two versions freeware or shareware
it suits me perfectly (Please see a screenshot as attachment

If MVD could embedded a treeview component (or a dbtreeview), it will be easy to create  oneself
its own snippets management
This could even be a challenge for fun for MVD's users to create the most effective


Post's attachments

Attachment icon exemple.jpg 61.59 kb, 290 downloads since 2015-05-24 

Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Hello Archer
Me again

About differents versions of MVD, you're right when you say  that such a snippet works fine with suche MVD version .
When users asks Dmitry for a specific add-on, Dmitry often offers to load a new version which embedded a new component,
a new property ou new event. But this version keeps its generic name (i.e MVD 1.52).

To find my way more easily, I used to add this information :

MVD_152_v1 ou MVD_152_V2.

Currently,  I'm on the version MVD_152_V4. (I've asked Dmitry for a code which allows only one session of my application).
This is what it's worth, but I know where I am.

Good evening


Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Good thoughts.  It might be helpful if you know where I am as a "programmer."  I use the word loosely because I am not a programmer, although I have written a few applications here and there, mostly simple and to get a job done.  Now I am retired and do it for fun and to keep my brain from rotting.  I hand soldered by first computers starting in 1976 and had a career in computers, mostly in sales and management.  Programming would have been handy.

My current need could have been satisfied with the old dBASE III or IV ... and I cannot go and buy a commercial system that is too expensive and complex to learn in time to get the job done. I found MVD by accident and I'm glad I did.  I think I can make the application I need, but I need to gete through the initial learning curve.  I will soon move up from the free version to the current paid version to get the latest features, but I wanted to test it first.

I have always learned by examples, so the code snippets are of great interest.  One problem though ... everyone here seems familiar with Delphi and there are references to that in many posts, but it is completely foreign to me.

I will keep plodding away and I will learn as I go.  If anyone writes a "My Visual Database for Dummies" please let me know.  =8-)

Don Bledsoe

Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Hello Archer

There was a time I wrote a small manual of MVD (a kind of MVD for the newbies) for Dmitry.
Its goal is to present the software (work sheets, toolbar, all  buttons and their role...).
There is also a method ...'How to create a Family Inventory... very basic ... with possibility
to enrich it  through innovations presented in the forum.

This is the link :

http://myvisualdatabase.com/download/MY … MANUAL.pdf

I'm also retired and as I have always  programmed along my professionnal life, I keep still.
I used all Dbase versions, VisualBasic, Pick language, Delphi and C++.
But I've always had a thing for Delphi  for its ease, flexibility and proper use.
I've always heard anyway with Delph it always work (Well I think it's not true, Delphi knows where you say it does not work).
But as MVD is based upon Pascal language (Delphi XE3), have knowledge in language is very useful.

If you're bothered by the Delphi language, please, ask your requests to Dmitry (and to others users).
It would be surprising if you did not get answers (Dmitry is  really a boss on this issue).
If you plan a projet, send us the backbone and we can certainly help you.

Have a good day


Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

I am still active hmm  and not a king at all in Delphi programming but the community here is great and very friendly and I already learned a lot!

I do prefer humble community over stiff upper lip communities where not knowledgeable people are just kicked off when asking...

Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Hello TCoton

I totally agree with you.
Nothing is more rewarding than a direct exchange between users via MVD forum (even what to ask for more details).
But if I store snippets of topics, it is for not having to tell me when I read a question: 'Damn, I have the answer to that question, but I do not remember where I read it to me' .
It is simply history of buying time to try to respond quickly to the question.

And then I get to an age when memory falters time to time

Have a good day


Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Hi Archer, Hi Everyone,
It's funny how we all store our bits of code in different ways.
I use a very simple project written in MVD - it was my first attempt so i used it as a little training exercise to get more familiar with the software.
If it's of any interest to you, feel free to download it and change it to suit your own specific needs (i've left a bit of data in it to give an idea of how i use it but it's easy to delete if you don't want it).
You can also download the project, including executable from:  https://app.box.com/s/k5l1s084wer9645umgrdbim0durnq7km
Finally, apologies for the colour scheme that it uses - my grandson was "helping" me when i was writing it and he chose them!!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon mvd scripts.zip 351.57 kb, 508 downloads since 2015-05-29 

Re: Can we build a categorized directoryrepository of snippets/scripts?

Hello Derek

Good job !

It lacks only a treeview to rank categories (and make them more readable)
This would be the final touch to your program which is sufficient in itself as such.

To bring my touch, I add a new column in the grid with an icon to illustrate the theme of the trick

Best regards