Topic: groups

i know i ask many question just new in this kind of software and databases and im thankfull for you quick support
just wanna know is possible make groups and from TableGrid select users i mean multi select of users that i wannt move them to other group with right click and if not possible with right click in tablegrid how is possible the most important that can transfer user to the group i want as bluk
Thanks in advance

Re: groups

Please, attach your project (zip file without dll and exe), I'll try do it in your project.


3 (edited by abouyahya527911 2015-06-10 08:44:37)

Re: groups

here in basic example for what i mean

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Re: groups


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Re: groups

yep done thank you i was wanted if there way to do it like this but instead button  i Select users and click right click in tablegrid and move them

Re: groups

Here you can find, how to add own menu in TableGrid


Re: groups

yes i sort this but just want litle help how use script to add

procedure Form1_Button5_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);
   i,c: integer;
   iColumn: integer;
     iColumn := Form1.TableGrid1.Columns.Count-1; // in last column stored id of record (last column hided)

     c := Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount - 1; // count of records in TableGrid
     for i :=0 to c do
         if Form1.TableGrid1.Selected[i] then // if record selected
            SQLExecute('UPDATE testdata SET id_group = ' + Form1.ComboBox1.sqlValue +' WHERE id='+IntToStr(Form1.TableGrid1.dbIndexToID(i)) ); // SQL query for selected record


in Menu i mean the fuction thanks

Re: groups

Done, please download project

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Attachment icon 5.98 kb, 525 downloads since 2015-06-11 


Re: groups

Thanks for your good support