Topic: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

How can I maintain the text  typed in a Text Box visible?

I would like to type in a text box cell and keep if visible at all times.

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello heribertom6466

What is the goal of this text ?

Will this text change all along your application ?

If not, Form1.TextBox1.Text := 'my text'; could be enough.
Is this what you want ?


Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello heribertom6466

Another solution

Use property ReadOnly for Textbox and set it on True


Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello JB,

I'm making an inventory form for 4 vehicles and want to keep the inventory database separated. Since
the vehicles carry different types of equipment.

for example:

At the top of the image I typed in the trucks information.
I would like for that to stay in the cells  and be visible.

The inventory will be going to the Table grid as normal.

Thank you,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 1.jpg 78.38 kb, 283 downloads since 2015-09-03 

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.


I think I'm better off using the ComboBox since they display text.
Is there a possibility doing as image stated?


Post's attachments

Attachment icon 23.png 252.49 kb, 315 downloads since 2015-09-03 

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I still do not understand where / how you want this information to be displayed, could you create some kind of photo-montage?

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello Tcoton,

I added another picture to explain a little further in depth.
Sorry for the confusion...

In this project I have a form with a trucks information example(truck no., year, vehicle, license, and VIN)
Also all the inventory it carries through his jobs.

Looking at Image 4.jpg:
I have three images numbered as 1, 2, 3.

Starting from number 2.
I added two made up trucks not sure if they exist. :-)
when I save it.

I end up with #3 image.
The combobox must be selected individually
The Vehicles information is not visible after saving it. You must select the vehicle again by each individual combobox.

I would like for each combobox to retain its perspective information for the truck I selected.
I would also like to have the comboboxes automated. Example If I choose the Trucks License No. then, I would like
for this information to present itself automatically on combobox.

Thank you,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 4.jpg 186.91 kb, 267 downloads since 2015-09-04 

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I think I understood what you want to achieve, could we see how your database looks like please? Click on the button next to "New Table" in MVDB and send a capture of it.

I think you are missing the correct use of relationships and comboboxes or you are not using "Show Record" property for your button. There might be a design issue as well smile

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello Tcoton,

I think you guessed that right about my design. Man, it really does look messed up. LOL!!!

I got ahead of myself and did not do a rough draft on paper. that's my first problem.
During my creation I was changing my mind left and right and this is the outcome of this spider web.

Thank you,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Relationships.jpg 180.09 kb, 261 downloads since 2015-09-04 

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Why so many Truck tables? smile

The view could be cleared up by moving the tables in order to clarify the output !

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I wanted to keep each truck with it's own inventory. I didn't know how to go about it any other way.  I was making these decision around 2 am. I can't think clearly during the day, just imagine at Two O Clock in the morning. big_smile

See if I have this right...
To connect the Truck tables in series?

is this correct?

12 (edited by tcoton 2015-09-05 09:37:13)

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

You were maybe misled by the design of a table, try to imagine that the lines are actually columns in an excel sheet.

The purpose of a database is to gather all information of same kind at the same place.

Designing the tables and relationships is the most important part of your database, you have to think about what you want to see, how you want to see it, how information should interact and how you could do it in the simplest way possible. Always think KISS ( keep it simple stupid) and avoid redundancy.

Remember that in a database, a record is a line with several columns, a relationship is the id of another line in another table. We use relationships to avoid information redundancy and to ease the maintenance by splitting the information. It is easier to maintain a small table (adding, removing columns, modifying content meaning, etc...)

In your case, you only need one table Trucks and maybe draw something on the paper to clarify your view.

All your trucks will be in same table but can have different properties

What is the departure point? Trucks? Accidents? Vehicule input? Vendors? Parts?

If you struggle too much, you could also submit your project to the forum and we will help you. wink

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I made a small database of the truck. If you don't mind taking a look at it to see where I'm messing up.

Thank you,

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Truck 338.6 kb, 503 downloads since 2015-09-04 

14 (edited by heribertom6466 2015-09-05 02:55:23)

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I got some sleep, drank lots of coffee and went at it again with this database. By the way it's kicking my but!!
I had to "KISS" like Tcoton explained. LOL well it's working for me...
which includes 15 forms and managed to get it down to 5 tables. LOL
what a difference.

I'll keep you posted if I managed to work it out. :-D


Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I completed the project...

I have 2 issues:

1. Table Grids are sharing information within the 5  I created.

2. Comboboxes do not retain visible information after exiting database.

I created an example on the exact issues I'm having. Take a look at the zip file above.

Not sure how to stop all of my Grid Tables to stop sharing information.

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I had a look at your project but it is unclear what you want to achieve here!

Why 2 buttons on start to do the same thing? Why creating an inventory with no possibility to see it? It is a bit confuse for me smile

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Say I have two Truck (vehicles). Truck 1 and Truck 2 and they both have their own inventory that they take to the job site.
Well, I want to keep inventory for each truck on my database.

When I made my project I clicked on Truck 1 and you can see and add inventory.
The moment you go to Truck 2 you end up seeing a mirror image of Truck 1 Inventory.

Each Truck has it's own inventory and I would like to keep them separated.

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Ok, I think you did not get what a database is actually smile

You want a truck inventory, then instead of thinking the trucks should be separated, try to imagine your database as a big garage. Would you fit the garage inside each vehicle or the opposite? wink

I will try to design something very basic with what you sent above.

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Here you can find info, how does a database work:


20 (edited by heribertom6466 2015-09-05 17:48:03)

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

This is how I designed the relationship between my tables.
This possibly could be a problem with my Table grids.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon Table relations.jpg 60.06 kb, 278 downloads since 2015-09-05 

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello heribertom6466

A question about your tables
You've created 2 tables among others : Trucks and Truck.
Perfectly identify tables can avoid confusions.

In table Parts, you've made a relationship with table Trucks.
In the diagram, we see no link between Trucks Table and the others.
Is it a normal fact ?

What is the goal of Table Trucks ? what differentiates it from the table Truck ?


Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

In new diagram, there is a id_Trucks relationshipship linked with nothing...

23 (edited by heribertom6466 2015-09-05 23:48:11)

Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

Hello jean.brezhonek,

In regards to the Tables: (Parts) and (Vendors).
(Parts): This consists of Inventory in the warehouse.
(Vendors): this is just an address book of vendors.
The key identifier in table (Parts) id_Trucks should of been deleted. I overlooked this and didn't catch it.


Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.


I've been doing research and database schema and found out that I wasn't possibly explaining my self correctly.

I want to design tables for inventory in multiple locations.
If I'm not mistaken product look up would best define this issue.

What do you think?


Re: Maintain Text typed in Text Box Cells Visible.

I have been trying to understand your need but I still do not get what you are trying to achieve, honestly speaking...  I tried to re-design your project but I am lost with the context. You want a database to list your vehicles but I do not understand the purpose of the tables Accident and Inventory, your form  TruckOne is looking for information into Accident which makes no sense to me when this form pops up when clicking on a button which looks like adding a vehicle.

What do you mean by inventory in multiple locations? What do you call inventory actually smile We all have our own words and our way of thinking wink