Topic: How to..


is it possible to double click on a table grid cell and send the first two rows of that cell to a textbox in another form?

for example:

i have a tablegrid that receives information about a person from a Form called Info:

Paul   |  19 | China
Mark  |  10  | England

i want to double click on Paul for example and send Paul, 19 to a TextBox of another Form called Person and show the information.


Re: How to..

Usually you should use button with action "ShowRecord" for that.

But I made an example for you how to do it using script and event OnCellDoubleClick

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Grid to 88.45 kb, 545 downloads since 2015-09-07 


Re: How to..

thanks, i try to do that but i miss some things that i now see on your example.

because we are talking about tablegrids, i have a idea:

in the example that i give in the first post, if i have a form with a information of a person and with a data file input, to store a image or a pdf for example, can i have a cell in a table grid that is red if i don´t save any file in "store file" field and turn green after i add a file and save that form?

Name|Age|Country|File Added
Paul   |  19 | China | Green
Mark  |  10  | England | Red

this means that in the form of the information of Paul i already add and save a file.

is this possible?

Re: How to..

An example for you:

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 84.27 kb, 512 downloads since 2015-09-08 


Re: How to..

Thanks a lot for the tip to get the info from a grid into a textbox, I was wondering how to do it for months smile