
Property to access additional properties of the specified component cell (x - column, y - row).

The class has the following properties



 AsBoolean: Boolean

 Gets or sets value of item in Boolean type.

 AsDateTime: TDateTime

 Gets or sets value of item in TDateTime type.

 AsFloat: Double

 Gets or sets value of item in Double type.

 AsInteger: Integer

 Gets or sets value of item in Integer type.

 Color: TColor

 Gets or sets Cell Color.

 Empty: Boolean

 Determines whether the cell contains any value.

 Hint: string

 Gets or sets Cell Hint.

 ObjectReference: TObject

 Gets or sets Reference to TObject object.

 FontStyle: TFontStyles

 Gets or sets Cell Font Style. Available values:  fsBold+fsItalic+fsUnderline+fsStrikeOut

 Tag: Integer

 Allows you to assign a number for your own needs.

 TextColor: TColor

 Specifies the font color for the cell.


// changes the color of the first cell
procedure Form1_TableGrid1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
    Form1.TableGrid1.Cell[0,0].TextColor := clRed;