
The component is used to output records from the database in tabular form.

Class: TdbStringGridEx







 Allows you to specify sorting. For example, you can specify sorting by two database fields at the same time, example: tablename.fieldname1, tablename.fieldname2 или tablename.fieldname1 ASC, tablename.fieldname2 DESC



 Allows you to set an additional filter that will be used to populate the component with data from the database. For example: tablename.fieldname = 1



 Contains the name of the main database table; it is from this table that you get the identifier (database field id) of the selected record using the dbItemID or sqlValue property. The property can also contain an external key, for example, when a component is used for a search.



 The property allows you to get the last SQL query that was used to populate the component with data from the database.



 Allows you to specify the name of the button on the current form with the "Search" or "SQL query" action, which will be automatically pressed when user changes the value of the component. The property is necessary to implement instant search.



 The identifier of the selected record in the component. The identifier corresponds to the id field in the database.



 Allows you to set the maximum number of records that will be populated into a component. More info.



 Contains header names for columns separated by commas.



 Allows you to set an offset when retrieving records from the database. More info.



 Contains the name of the parent database table when the component displays child records (option: Show Child Records).



 Contains the identifier (id field) of the parent record in the parent table (dbParentTable) when the component displays child records (option: Show child records).



 Provides access to the component's popup menu. More info.



 If True, the records will be sorted in ascending order, otherwise in descending order. The property value will be ignored if a different sorting is specified in the dbCustomOrderBy property.



 The database field by which the records in the component will be sorted. The property value will be ignored if a different sorting is specified in the dbCustomOrderBy property.



 Contains an SQL query if the component was populated with data using the button with the "SQL query" action. Also allows you to set your own SQL query which will be executed when calling the dbSQLExecute method. More info.



 Returns the id of the selected record in the component for use in SQL queries. In case of empty value, it returns NULL string

 пример: SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO tablename (fieldname) VALUES ('+Form1.TableGrid1.sqlValue+')');



 It is responsible for the ability to create new records directly in the component.



 It is responsible for the ability to create new empty records.



 It is responsible for the ability to edit records directly in the component.



 It is responsible for the ability to delete records directly in the component.



 Determines whether or not you need to double-click a cell to edit a record.



 Determines whether the component has a border. Available values: bsSingle, bsNone



  It checks if the component can get input focus, which is usually necessary before using the SetFocus method. If a component has Visible = False or Enabled = False property, or if the component is located on a parent component with those properties, using the SetFocus method will cause an error.

example: if Form1.TableGrid1.CanFocus then Form1.TableGrid1.SetFocus;



 A class that allows you to draw on a component. More info.



 Property to access additional properties of the specified component cell (x - column, y - row). More info.



 Property for accessing the text content of a cell (x - column, y - row).



 The width of the client part of the component (i.e. excluding borders).



 The height of the client part of the component (i.e., excluding the borders).



 The background color of the component. More info.



 Property to access additional column properties and methods. More info.



 Property to access the properties of a specified column. More info.



 Specifies the image used to represent the mouse pointer when it passes into the region covered by the control. More info.



 Controls whether the component responds to mouse, keyboard, and timer events.



 Sets the number of fixed columns that will not move when scrolling horizontally.



 Determines whether the control has input focus.



 Allows you to set font name, size, color and style. More info.



 Gets or sets size of columns headers.



 Hint contains the text string that appears when the user moves the mouse over the component., see also ShowHint



 Property to access additional scrollbar properties and methods. More info.



 Returns the index of the last added line. Read-only.



 The name of the component.



 Additional component settings. More info.



 The parent component on which this component is placed.



 Gets total number of rows.



 Gets or sets default size (height) of rows in grid.



 Access to additional properties of a row by its index. More info.



 Determines the visibility of the row by its index.



 Gets or sets specified row's selected state.



 Gets or sets selected Row's Index.



 Gets or sets Index of selected Column.



 Gets number of selected rows.



 Specifies whether to show the Help Hint when the mouse pointer moves over the component, see also Hint



 Gets or sets size (height) of single slide. Имеет смысл, когда свойство компонента GridStyles = gsSlides. Подробней про режим gsSlides.



 Reference to the sorted column.



 Indicates the position of the component in its parent's tab order. TabOrder is the order in which child components are visited when the user presses the Tab key.



 Determines whether the user can tab to a control. Use the TabStop to allow or disallow access to the control using the Tab key.



 Allows you to assign a number to a component for your own needs.



 Allows you to assign a string to a component for your own needs.



 Property to access additional scrollbar properties and methods. More info.



 Specifies whether the component appears onscreen.



 Gets number of visible rows.



 Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the left edge of a component relative to its parent.



 Specifies the vertical coordinate of the upper-left of a component relative to its parent.



 Specifies the horizontal size of the component in pixels.



 Specifies the vertical size of the component in pixels.




 function dbIndexToID (index: Integer): integer

 Allows you to get the record ID (database field id) by specifying the row number.

 function dbUpdate: String

 Forcibly updates data in the component. As a rule, the component updates data automatically if the data has been changed.  It also returns the SQL query that was used to access the database.

 function AddRow (Count: Integer = 1): Integer

 Adds the specified number of rows to the component. Returns the index of the last added row. The data is not added to the database.

 procedure BeginUpdate

 Called before performing a large number of operations on a component to increase performance. The EndUpdate method must be called at the end.

 procedure BestFitColumns (BestFitMode: TBestFitMode = bfCells)

 The method automatically adjusts the width of the columns. More info.

 procedure BestFitRow (const Index: Integer)

 The method automatically adjusts the height of the row, depending on the contents of the cells in the given row. More info.

 procedure CalculateFooter (VisibleOnly: Boolean = False)

 Calculates footer of the component.

 procedure ClearRows

 Clears rows of of the component.

 procedure DeleteRow (Index: Integer)

 Deletes specified row. The record from the database will not be deleted.

 function ExportToExcel (FileName: string = ''; ExcelVisible: boolean = True; FirsRowColumns: boolean = True): Variant

 Exports data from the component to Excel. Also returns an OLE Excel object, to work with the data later.

 function ExportToLibreCalc (FirsRowColumns: boolean = True): Boolean

 Exports data from the component to OpenOffice (LibreOffice).

 procedure EndUpdate

 See BeginUpdate

 function GetRowAtPos (X, Y: Integer): Integer

 Allows you to get the row index by coordinates.

 function GetColumnAtPos (X, Y: Integer): TNxCustomColumn

 Allows you to get a link to a column by coordinates.

 procedure InsertRow (Pos: Integer; Count: Integer = 1)

 Inserts single row at specified position. This will not add an record to the database.

 procedure MoveRow (FromPos, ToPos: Integer)

 Moves row from specified position to another one. In this case, no changes are made to the database.

 procedure SaveToTextFile (const FileName: String; Separator: Char = ','; MultiLineSeparator: Char = '|')

 Saves the contents of the component to a text file. The file encoding used is Unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian).

 procedure SaveToHtml (FileName: String; SaveHeaders: boolean = True; AllRows: boolean = False; CreateStyleSheet: boolean = True; SaveFooter: boolean = False; SaveCaption: boolean = False)

 Saves the content of the component in an HTML file.

 procedure LoadFromTextFile (const FileName: String; Separator: Char = ','; MultiLineSeparator: Char = '|'; StartRow: Integer = 0)

 Loads text file data into the component. The data will not get into the database. The encoding of the loaded file must be Unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian)

 procedure ScrollToRow (index: integer)

 Moves the scroll in the component so that the specified line is visible.

 procedure SelectAll

 Selects all rows in the component. For the method to work, the Options property must have values goMultiSelect and goSelectFullRow.

 procedure SelectRange (FromRow, ToRow: Integer; Value: Boolean)

 Selects (or deselects, if Value = False) the specified range of rows.

 procedure SetFocus

 Gives the input focus to the component.

 procedure SwapRows (FromPos, ToPos: Integer)

 Swaps positions of two rows.




 OnApplyEditText (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Value: String)

 Occurs when you finish editing a cell. Allows you to change the entered value. More info.

 OnAfterEdit (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Value: String)

 Occurs when the cell editing is successfully completed. More info.

 OnAfterRowMove (Sender: TObject; FromPos, ToPos: Integer)

 Occurs when the user has successfully moved the row to a new position.

 OnAfterSort (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer)

 Occurs after the column is sorted.

 OnBeforeEdit (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var Accept: Boolean)

 Occurs before the cell enters edit mode. Allows you to disable editing. More info.

 OnCellClick (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer)

 Occurs when the user clicks on a cell. More info.

 OnCellDoubleClick (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer)

 Occurs when the user double-clicks a cell.

 OnChange (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs after the component has been populated with data from the database.

 OnClick (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when the user clicks the component.

 OnColumnResize (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer)

 Occurs when the user resize the column.

 OnDoubleClick (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when the user double-clicks the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is over the component.

 OnEditAccept (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Value: String; var Accept: Boolean)

 Occurs when the user has finished editing a cell, such as selecting another cell or pressing Enter. Allows you to reject the entered value. More info.

 OnEnter (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when a component receives the input focus.

 OnExit (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when the input focus shifts away from one component to another.

 OnFooterClick (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer)

 Occurs when the user clicks on the footer.

 OnHeaderClick (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer)

 Occurs when the user clicks on a column header.

 OnHeaderDoubleClick (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer)

 Occurs when the user double-clicks a column header.

 OnInputAccept (Sender: TObject; var Accept: Boolean)

 Occurs before a new record is added from the input line. Allows you to cancel the creation of a new record. More info.

 OnInputSelectCell (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer)

 Occurs when the user has moved to the input field.

 OnKeyDown (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean)

 Occurs when a user presses any key while the form has focus.

 OnKeyPress (Sender: TObject; var Key: Char)

 Occurs when a key is pressed. Note that this procedure handles printable characters only.

 OnKeyUp (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean)

 Occurs when the user releases a key that was pressed.

 OnLoadProgress (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer)

 Occurs when a text file is loaded into a component using the LoadFromTextFile method

 OnMouseDown (Sender: TObject; MouseLeft, MouseRight, MouseMiddle: boolean; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean; X, Y: Integer)

 Occurs when the user presses a mouse button with the mouse pointer over a component.

 OnMouseEnter (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when the user moves the mouse into a component.

 OnMouseLeave (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when the user moves the mouse outside of a component.

 OnMouseMove (Sender: TObject; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean; X, Y: Integer)

 Occurs when the user moves the mouse pointer while the mouse pointer is over a component.

 OnMouseUp (Sender: TObject; MouseLeft, MouseRight, MouseMiddle: boolean; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean; X, Y: Integer)

 Occurs when the user releases a mouse button that was pressed with the mouse pointer over a component.

 OnResize (Sender: TObject)

 Occurs when a component is resized.

 OnRowMove (Sender: TObject; FromPos, ToPos: Integer; var Accept: Boolean)

 Occurs when the user has moved a row to a new position. Allows you to cancel the move. More info.

 OnSortColumn (Sender: TObject; ACol: Integer; Ascending: Boolean)

 Occurs before the column is sorted.

 OnDropFiles (Sender: TObject; ArrayOfFiles: array of string; X, Y: Integer)

 Occurs when user tries to drag and drop a file from explorer to a form. More info.