
Property for accessing additional column properties and methods.

The class has the following properties

 Properties and methods


 procedure Add (Source: TNxCustomColumn): TNxCustomColumn

 Adds a new column with the specified class.

 procedure Clear

 Destroys all columns.

 property Count: Integer

 Returns the number of columns.

 procedure Delete (index: integer)

 Deletes the column with the specified index, the column numbering starts from 0.

 function InsertCheckBoxColumn(Pos: Integer): TNxCustomColumn

 Inserting a column with a CheckBox (TNxCheckBoxColumn) in the specified position, column numbering starts from 0.

 function InsertGraphicColumn(Pos: Integer): TNxCustomColumn

 Inserting a graphical column (TNxGraphicColumn) in the specified position, the column numbering starts from 0.

 function InsertTreeColumn(Pos: Integer): TNxCustomColumn

 Inserting a tree column (TNxTreeColumn) in the specified position, the column numbering starts from 0.

 property LastAdded: TNxCustomColumn

 Returns a reference to the last added column.


// As a rule, the creation of additional columns should happen in the event of the OnChange component

// adding a column of the specified class, available classes:
// TNxTextColumn, TNxNumberColumn, TNxDateColumn, TNxTimeColumn, TNxCheckBoxColumn, TNxListColumn, TNxGraphicColumn, TNxTreeColumn

Form1.TableGrid1.Columns.LastAdded.Color := clWhite;

// Inserting a column with a CheckBox (TNxCheckBoxColumn) at the specified position, column numbering starts from 0.