
Property to access additional properties of the specified row.

The class has the following properties



 ChildCount: Integer

 Number of child elements (makes sense if there is a TNxTreeColumn).

 Expanded: Boolean

 Whether the row is expanded to show the children (makes sense if there is a TNxTreeColumn).

 HasChildren: Boolean

 Does the row have children (makes sense if there is a TNxTreeColumn).

 ID: Integer

 Contains record ID (id field from database).

 ImageIndex: Integer

 Icon index from TImageList in property TNxTreeColumn(Form1.TreeView1.Columns[0]).Images

 Level: Integer

 Contains the nesting level (makes sense if there is a TNxTreeColumn).

 ParentRow: TRow

 Reference to the parent row (makes sense if there is a TNxTreeColumn).

 RowHeight: Integer

 Gets or sets the height of a Row.

 Selected: Boolean

 Allows you to know if a row is selected or not.

 Shown: Boolean

 Allows you to know if the given row is visible (makes sense if there is a TNxTreeColumn).


procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
   // show the ID of the specified row
   ShowMessage( Form1.TableGrid1.Row[0].ID );