
Additional component settings.

You can combine the settings using the listed values.




 Exit cell editing by pressing up, down, left, right buttons


 The user will be able to hide columns with the mouse.


 Disables the user to move columns with the mouse.


 Disables moving between rows with arrows on the keyboard.


 When editing a cell, allows you to clear it by pressing Esc.


 Makes the component's footer visible.


 Shows horizontal and vertical lines.


 Shows the headings for the columns.


 Shows the indicator of the selected row.


 Shows the input bar.


 Disables moving fixed columns with mouse (FixedCols).


 Allows you to select multiple records using the Ctrl or Shift key.


 Allows you to change the height of rows with the mouse (goIndicator must also be activated)


 Allows you to move rows with the mouse.


 Editing a cell with a double click of the mouse.


 Selects a whole row, otherwise individual cells will be selected.

The default settings are as follows:

goDisableColumnMoving, goGrid, goHeader, goSecondClickEdit, goSelectFullRow


procedure Form1_Button1_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
    // disable lines in the component
    Form1.GridSearch.Options := Form1.GridSearch.Options - goGrid;

    // Set the necessary settings for the component
    Form1.GridSearch.Options := goDisableColumnMoving + goGrid + goHeader + goSecondClickEdit + goSelectFullRow + goMultiSelect;