
Property to access the properties of the specified column.

The class has the following properties






 Sets the alignment of the column content. Available values: taCenter, taRightJustify, taLeftJustify



 Determines the availability of the column to the user.



 The property is responsible for the footer of the component. More info.



 The property is responsible for the headers of the component. More info.



 Additional settings for the column. More info.



 Makes sense when the GridStyles component property = gsSlides. Example.



 Makes sense when the GridStyles component property = gsSlides. Example.



 Makes sense when the GridStyles component property = gsSlides. Example.



 Makes sense when the GridStyles component property = gsSlides. Example.



 Sorts the column.



 Specifies whether the column is sorted in ascending or descending order. Values: skAscending, skDescending



 Defines the sort type for the column. Values: stAlphabetic, stBoolean, stNumeric, stDate, stIP



 Allows you to assign a number to the column for your own needs.



 Allows you to assign a string to a column for your own needs.



 Sets the vertical alignment of the column content. Available values: vaTop, vaMiddle, vaBottom



 Determines the visibility of the column in the component.



 Sets the width of the column in the component.



 Sets the behavior of text that does not fit in the cell for a given column. Values: wkNone, wkEllipsis, wkPathEllipsis, wkWordWrap