
Additional settings for the column.

The set has the following values.




 Not used. For automatic column widths, use the BestFitColumns method.


 Determines whether the header of a given column can be clicked to sort.


 Makes sense if the TableGrid.Options property has the value goInput. Allows you to enter a value.


 Determines whether sorting is executed when you click on the header of a given column.


 Disables drag-and-drop of columns.


 Specifies the ability to edit the text in the rows of a given column.


 Determines whether text is automatically selected when the input cursor is set in a cell of a given column.


 Disables the resizing of this column.


 Determines whether a hint will be shown if the contents of the cell do not fit.


// As a rule, it is necessary to change column settings in the OnChange event
procedure Form1_TreeView1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
    Form1.TreeView1.Columns[0].Options := Form1.TreeView1.Columns[0].Options - coCanSort; // disables sorting for the first column
    Form1.TreeView1.Columns[1].Options := Form1.TreeView1.Columns[1].Options + coFixedSize; // Disables the ability to resize the second column