
This property is responsible for the footer of the component.

The class has the following properties






 Sets the alignment of the header in the column. Available values: taCenter, taRightJustify, taLeftJustify



 Title text.



 Header background color. Ignored if component property EnableVisualStyles = True



 Defines the mode of displaying text and graphics in the header. Available values: dmImageOnly, dmTextAndImage, dmTextOnly



 Allows you to put a bmp image in the header.



 A tooltip for the header.



 Allows you to use multiple strings in the header.



 Defines the orientation of the header. Available values: hoHorizontal, hoVertical


// place the picture in the header
procedure Form1_TreeView1_OnChange (Sender: TObject);
    Form1.TreeView1.Columns[0].Header.DisplayMode := dmTextAndImage;
    // get the image from Image1 placed on the form, the image must be in bmp format