(19 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

Hi FMR, Hi Brian,
Perhaps try it like this (see attached - UserID = admin, Password = admin).

Thank you Derek
It's work


(19 replies, posted in General)

How to change the image for login screen ?


(4 replies, posted in General)

I try create a User form instead that com with MVD. I try add Multi Select drop box but I facing this error message. Any one have trick to make it possible or how to get permit to use multi select ComboBox ?



(19 replies, posted in General)

brian.zaballa wrote:

There you have it, maybe you don't have frmSafeguard on your project.

I just put the key there for some security purposes, you can override it

ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'user', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text, 'YourKey'));
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'pass', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text, 'YourKey'));
frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text := DecryptRC5(remUser, 'YourKey');
frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text := DecryptRC5(remPass, 'YourKey');

Your help is amazing
I'm really appreciate your help, THANK YOU


(4 replies, posted in General)

How to edit User form ? for add more field, change field type or change label ?


Also how to call the Users form by script ?


(19 replies, posted in General)

brian.zaballa wrote:

Can you check on the error? You can see it below https://ibb.co/Y7yBrbh
Maybe you didn't have the frmSafeguard or the label in it. Check on the error.

Off topic, how can I use the image I mean to show it on my reply/post. LMAO, been a while here but I can't use that img.

Undeclared identifier: 'frmSafeguard' at 30:105


(19 replies, posted in General)

When I click Run the MVD stop and show to me red line, if I removed the red lines that I mentioned,  the project run but without saving the password



(19 replies, posted in General)

I have a new issue, When I switch from SQLight to MySQL I facing issue on below lines

ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'user', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption));
ini.WriteString('REMEMBER', 'pass', EncryptRC5(frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption));
frmdbCoreLogin.edLogin.Text := DecryptRC5(remUser, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption);
frmdbCoreLogin.edPassword.Text := DecryptRC5(remPass, frmSafeguard.encryptKey.Caption);


(19 replies, posted in General)

brian.zaballa wrote:

Try using bLogin as your reference

chkRemember.Left := frmdbCoreLogin.bLogin.Left;
chkRemember.Top := frmdbCoreLogin.bLogin.Top-30;

More than perfect !
The screenshot in attachment also I will try on others computers to check the results


(19 replies, posted in General)

brian.zaballa wrote:


Too many thanks, this is a perfect

I have change the location of the remember check box by modifying lines 49 and 50 , I believe this issue appear due computer screen resolution.

chkRemember.Left := 140;
chkRemember.Top := 345;



(19 replies, posted in General)

brian.zaballa wrote:

There's a bunch of codes here from my previous work on having a secret question and answer. I hope this can help you start on your problem.
If you find the code OnActivate

TForm(Form1).OnActivate := @activateForm;

somewhat new, you are not alone. I just learned and using it in the Project I am working with Embarcadero Delphi. Helps a lot on some circumstances.

Thanks for your help, this is very complex code. can you shorting this code only for add Save Password checkbox ?


(19 replies, posted in General)

Any one have solution how to add save password check box for login window ?


Thanks sibprogsistem
I do it by your code with small modification

procedure Form1_Button_Delete_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
var i : integer;
    For i:= 0 to Form1.TableGrid1.RowCount -1 do
    If (Form1.TableGrid1.Cell[0,i].AsBoolean = True) then
        SQLExecute('Delete FROM Data Where id=' +IntToStr(Form1.TableGrid1.Row[i].ID));

Any one know what is usage of #Checkbox in TableGrid settings ?

I know make multi selectable of rows, I try used as delete multi rows in one click but not working for me.

Please share any successful idea. Plus if you know what is the language used for 3. Filter


Hi Derek

You have my deepest thanks.

I think the FMR1 more fit my requirements except the counter is missing and I need it, I will try to figure out how to add counter to apply it into my project.

I build example for what I need, Please see the attached example. There is a Print button in Celeb Details page

I need the report look like this image


Any one can show me how to make report with 2 table ?

In fast report manual look there is ability to add 2 table but I can't figure out how to make that

derek wrote:

Hi FMR,  Hi Sibprogsistem,
My understanding is that checkboxes (and radio buttons although MVD doesn't support them) are fixed size bitmaps and determined by Windows.  It's this that is determining the size of the combobox height, irrespective of what you change the font size to be.
As a work-around, what I've done in the past is to create a blank entry in the combobox (make sure that the combobox is sorted) so that at least the first 'proper' selection isn't being obscured, but it's far from ideal.
Please have a look at the attachment.

Dear derek
Thanks for your amazing work and smart solution for 1st choice, but the issue I faced when I use MultiSelect and the computer connected to external 4K monitor the selection appear very small.

Thanks sibprogsistem
This is will not change the size if I activate MultiSelect option.

I need create a Report including 2 Table in Database, how to do that ?


(8 replies, posted in General)

I test the Longtion, it's too advanced and more tools from MVD but I didn't find resource to learn how to use Longtion.
If you have links for Forums please share it

tjohnson0473 wrote:

Hello MVD,

I know this is not my place to post this but like you, I have wondered if this project would be abandoned. I come back to the site to see if a new release is posted, and every morning I am more disappointed to see that there is none. So I have searched the internet for a substitute program and came across "Longtion Sofware". I took my project that I have been working on for the last 2 years in MVD and reduplicated it within months. From what I have seen so far this software platform is awesome. I purchased  RAD Builder. Here is a link and a quick description. Oh, did I mention that if you need assistance with any part of the software or need a special function or how to do something within the software, you send customer service an email and you get a really quick response.

Longtion Software  -

RadBuilder is a complete rapid application development (RAD) tool to create interactive multimedia applications, database applications, and Web applications for Windows - without programming. You don’t have to be a programmer, but with RadBuilder you’ll feel like one. Even though it is very easy to learn and use, it has everything you need to develop professional software applications with a completely visual drag and drop environment.

But I am still hoping that Dimetry will return and when he does the new release will be awesome, or the site will just disappear like did.

Take care all...


Please I need help with MVD v6.5

I have issue with ComboBox in appearance when enable MultiSelect for ComboBox

1st. I can't change the height of ComboBox specially when I change the font size I need to change the height. How to change the height with MultiSelect ?
2nd The drop list of ComboBox there is a square appear over 1st choice look like Select All button, make selecting 1st choice very hard. How to remove this option or make the 1st choice below this square ?

Maybe this is a new feature, There is option BoarderStyle := bsDialog that will hide all main menu