
(35 replies, posted in Script)

You should make form for login is general (first in tabs) in your project, if file script.pas will be deleted, your project don't able make autorization.


(10 replies, posted in General)

Montenegr0 wrote:

now i see that is becuse of the version that i'm using, what is the latest free version?



(24 replies, posted in General)

try this:

// Save maintenance into separate table
procedure ADD_switch_Button1_OnClick (Sender: string; var Cancel: boolean);

   SQLExecute ('INSERT INTO maintenances (Hostname,Description,DateMaint,IMAC,MAC_ADDRESS) VALUES ('+ ADD_switch.hostname_add.sqlValue+','+ADD_switch.Descript1.sqlValue+','+ADD_switch.DateMaint.sqlDate+', '+ADD_switch.IMAC.sqlValue+','+ADD_switch.mac_add.sqlValue+' )');




(2 replies, posted in SQL queries)


Here you can find more info:
http://myvisualdatabase.com/help_en/com … n_sql.html


(24 replies, posted in General)

tcoton wrote:

The component is not cleared until I restart the application, you could easily try it yourself smile

To clear it, I must exit my application and restart it? I am using 2.03 alpha.

Checked, all works fine, please download the example:


(11 replies, posted in General)

No need to increase the entity, if it's a person, it should be store in one table, it does not matter, fired or not.
Otherwise in the future, this may complicates analysis of data.

about your query, try to add "IS"

SQLExecute('INSERT INTO Left_Employee (Last_Name,First_Name,Phone,Photo,comment,Left_Date) SELECT Last_Name,First_Name,Phone,Photo,comment,Left_Date FROM Employee WHERE Left_Date IS not NULL,'');


(24 replies, posted in General)


I tried to use memo instead but it retains latest entry every time I display the edition form without closing the application on same record. Is there a way to at least clear the memo component when closing the form?

The component should be cleared automatically.
Please send me your project to support@drive-software.com
I'll test it


(10 replies, posted in General)

You can use property dbInitialDir


Form1.DBFile1.dbInitialDir := 'c:\Test'

Allows you to specify the default path for dialogue open and save the file.


(35 replies, posted in Script)

but When files are deleted script.pes The project does not work and we do not want no trouble username and password and serial number of the application

It's works if you run project without My Visual Database, if you want open project using My Visual Database, file script.pas must be exists.

Скорей всего у вас очень старая версия программы, которая не поддерживает изменение структуры базы данных без потери данных в ней, в последних версиях данный недостаток устранен.


(5 replies, posted in Russian)

Отправьте пожалуйста на support@drive-software.com


(11 replies, posted in General)

I don't recommend this method (using second table for leave persons).

You should create table for status of person.
Please look at second video tutorial (Phone book)

where every person can belongs to group, in you case group will be status of person (Working, Fired, On vacation and so on...)


Please download the example:


(5 replies, posted in Russian)


по каким то причинам файл базы данных повредился (sqlite.db)
вы первый кто столкнулся с такой ситуацией, поэтому пока у меня нет готового ответа как это исправить )

можете просто удалить файл sqlite.db из папки проекта, и он пересоздатся заново, если у вас были данные в базе, которые вы не хотели бы потерять, можете отправить проект на support@drive-software.com
постараюсь восстановить данные.


(35 replies, posted in Script)

Understood, you have old version  which have a error.
Just rename field employees.TafsirSCL-90R to employees.TafsirSCL90R

then change property FieldName on frmEmployee.Memo3 to TafsirSCL90R

Also in the settings of Form1.bSearch you should remove component "GridEmployees" from list "1. Select the components involved in the search"

for proper use button "Search" you should have at least one component for search criteria, example place TextBox for search "NamNeshan", then add it in the settings of search button.


(35 replies, posted in Script)

May be I can't find the error because your project don't have data, please send me project to support@drive-software.com
with example data which cause the error.


(35 replies, posted in Script)

I tried create and edit record using form frmEmployee, but can't see any errors.

But I see an error in your database structure, for all relationships in the table "employees" you have enabled option "Cascade delete", it's option should be disabled in your case.


(1 replies, posted in Russian)

Так можете заблокировать действие редактирования записи при двойном щелчке по гриду

Form1.TableGrid1.dbPopupMenu.Items[0].Enabled := False;

данный код можно вставить в событие главной формы проекта OnShow

затем создайте у грида событие OnCellDoubleClick, где можете программно нажать на необходимую кнопку для редактирования записи

procedure Form1_TableGrid1_OnCellDoubleClick (Sender: string; ACol, ARow: Integer);


(35 replies, posted in Script)

Please, answer my question: Let me know steps to raise the error.


(20 replies, posted in General)

abouyahya527911 wrote:

Dmitry forget to ask u again in same topic i was trying to do Arabic date with Combobox all is good  i did 3 Combobox and 3 groups day month and years all is fine but im wondering if the result can be shown in tablegrid in one cell looks more good and pro then 3 day alone and month alone and year alone

Thanks again waiting ur answer

You can do it using calculated field, like this:

dayfield || '.' || monthfield || '.' || yearfield
samir.gozalov wrote:

Dmitri dobriy utra. kak mojna zdelit shtob kaqda v poiske pisat naprimer bukvu A  to vidaval vse imena na bukvu A

a yesli AN  to imena na eti 2 bukvi.  toyesc andrey

Для компонента Edit, в который будете писать имя, установите слово Filter=s%
также у этого компонента есть свойство Increm.Search, выберите в нем имя кнопки, которая используется для поиска, т.о. кнопка поиска будет автоматически нажиматься каждый раз при изменении текста в компоненте.


(28 replies, posted in Russian)

не сразу понял,  что речь идет о переносе строк, перед импортом можно заменять знак | на настоящий знак переноса строки #13#10

s:= ReplaceStr(s, '|', #13#10);
samir.gozalov wrote:

Zdrastvuyce. Prashu mne pomoc.  u menya ne palucayetsa zdelat tak shtob yesli na baze yesc imya to on vidaval o tom shto eta imya uje yesc. vi napisali script no u menya na svayom baze izmenic vsyo ne polucilos ne srabotal

prashu mne pomoc.

upload file


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(20 replies, posted in General)

abouyahya527911 wrote:

Same question

hope make it more easy to understand

i want make combobox for example Years and Age and i want to use them more then ones and save different result  in same Table
so i don't need to make for each one new form and AddForm when i use the same data in combobox many time  ?

Please download the example:


(1 replies, posted in Russian)

Excel может сохранить ваши данные в файл формате CSV, который как правило использую для импорта/експорта данных.

Импортировать данные из CSV файла можете с помощью утилиты SQLite Studio (http://sqlitestudio.pl/)
либо с помощью скрипта: