(5 replies, posted in General)

may be try this

https://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/view … 9900#p9900

k245 wrote:
kavinacomputers wrote:

How do you compile? and check results
Any compiler you link to notepad++

The compilation is produced by My Visual Database. But there is one caveat: it only shows the line with the error in its built-in editor. Therefore, usually creating and debugging modules occurs like this: first, all procedures and functions are written in the built-in editor, and after they are fully tested, they are transferred to external files (modules). But over time, you can write the source text directly in NotePad++, which has convenient syntax highlighting and global search.

got it again thanks for help

k245 wrote:
kavinacomputers wrote:

I am missing something but how you are getting those class files? example utils.pas, form.pas

Exploring your site very cool stuff bookmarked.

I create them using a text editor Notepad++


and their content is the experience of developing applications in MVDB since 2018. More modules can be found in the ClearApp project


How do you compile? and check results
Any compiler you link to notepad++

I am missing something but how you are getting those class files? example utils.pas, form.pas

Exploring your site very cool stuff bookmarked.


Do you have English version of your projects?

thanks @k245

This query works in MVD.


select total(quantity) from transactions where transactions.id_products = products.id and quantity > 0
why no joins?

tables join auto in MVD so you guys write only some sql
if so
how I know which joins or pre provided query in MVD?

[17:25:06] Error while executing SQL query on database 'sqlite0': no such column: products.id

So I was learning sql - found join with group by

This works in SqliteStudio

SELECT products.id, products.name, SUM(transactions.quantity) AS total_quantity
FROM transactions
JOIN products ON transactions.id_products = products.id
WHERE transactions.quantity > 0
GROUP BY products.id, products.name;

Explain why?

1) How to add more than one pascal script into MVD?

2) Is there a way to link DLL into MVD?

3) Accessing cmd? I mean firing command in cmd.

4) Way to read text, xml, csv file?


(16 replies, posted in General)



(4 replies, posted in General)

derek wrote:

1.  To print HSN once, just move it up into the page header section of the report.  You might also want to do this for the item as this is also repeated in the master data section.
2.  Try adding a counter to the 'transaction' table;  this will add a unique number to both the inward and outward transactions.  Then you can add the counter to the report in the master data section.
Rather than have 2 versions of the report (daily and monthly) I would also suggest that you run the report with a date range instead;  this gives more flexibility (you can still do 'daily' and 'monthly' but also for any range of dates that the client might ask for).  You can then add the date to the master data section of the report (see attached).

thank you I totally forgot about counter

date range nice idea.


(4 replies, posted in General)

sparrow wrote:

1 - [sysmemo??.value+sysmemo??.value+sysmemo??.value ... ]

Thank you @sparrow

Anyone Like to help with

2nd and 3rd problem.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello Guys I need help on designing reports.

Attached Project and Image.

1) How to use once calculated SysMemo in another SysMemo

example look at "Total Amount After Tax"


Instead of that if I can use SysMemo of Total Amount Before Tax + CGST + SGST = Total Amount After Tax

2) How To Print HSN once

3) Automatic Invoice/Outward Number.

If there is another Method to Do it Let me know. like calculating everything in App first after that just print it and no calculation in Reports.(good idea or bad idea).

thank you @derek I am still learning from your small script.

For now not implementing cascade delete - but created example and tested it how it works.

Refining whole project again. and working on reports designing.


(2 replies, posted in General)

thanks got it.

Logic behind using is_inward and is_open

client gives 25 rolls of fabric total 25000 meters for printing -
inward transaction is_inward = yes and is_ open=yes for transections.

2 rolls printed today and given back to client total meters 2000.
outward transection is_inward = no and is_open=yes stock is available open for transections.

23 rolls printed another days and 23000 meters given back to client.
outward transection is_inward = no and is_open=no - no stock left to do transections.

tra_close will show that closed inward and outward - stock came - printed - outward done. task finished
at this point if both flag is no - outward not allowed

hope I explained properly


I have few more qustions

1) when I was reading book dgs filter catalogue page 46

there was a concept called parent-child in tablegrid

is that  good idea to incorporate in project also what about cascade delete.

2) same example as above

Supplier/Client (MAIN parent) gives bill (one to many relationship)
add bill no(child(parent of bill multiple entries))
multiple bill entries(child(parent of transections).

cascade delete will be good idea here?

3)I am confuse here how to go about it?

multiple outward  can happen in one day or multiple time in month. how to achieve this
d-0001 - 2024-05-04
d-0002 - 2024-05-04
d-000n - 2024-05-04

same client merge all bills.
m-0001 - bill for May month. mention all the entries done. In month and all the total amount and taxes.

I will track q_out and q_in as per your suggestion.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Version: 6.5 (04 February 2021) during time of purchase

I downloaded 6.6 beta from forum.

To download new latest versions do I have to buy life time license ?

like version 2022,2023,2024?

Priority technical support on our forum? who is providing this?

Not sure on this if there is a way to do add column
Or calculated field.

Working with this very small project and learning.

attached project is iteration of 4th revision. and now I am doing chunks only. and lot of normalization.
from 16 tables to 5 tables. (that was fun - 32 forms)

I need help with populating column.

image is in zip file what I am trying to do.

Thanks in advance.

which method is better

to reduce stock

Inward table (takes inward bill and add to stock)
Outward table(Outward gives bills to client and reduce stock)
Stock Table(have current stock details)
Transection Table(stores all transection ids)

What I can think of

method 1

update stock table using sql when sell/outward happens

task 1 - current stock = old stock - sold stock (sql to update stock table)
task 2 - stop stock value go under negative.(safe guard)

method 2

task 1 - undate sql stock table(calculated field may be) = inward table stock column - outward table stock column
task 2 - stop stock go in negative (how to lock this in database?)

thanks regards

FastScript for FastReport and Object Pascal for MVD Script form and its elements right?

or FastScript for everything?

which language? any books on language?

k245 wrote:
kavinacomputers wrote:

thank you sir that worked and I now understood that. Is there a way to do change other textboxes when I select something from combo box without code.

I'm sorry, but you'll have to write a script for this.

I guess

1>Customer Invoice - under database applications
2> ???


Physical to digital

what I am trying to do

I have small computer shop 

I buy Items ---> goes into stock
I sell Items ---> deduction from stock(stock location)/bill the client ---> print, email
I sell Service -->Bill the client.--> print, email
bill clients ---> service or Item (provide discount if possible)
of course add taxes in bills
To track total invested in business
financial tracking
who paid on which date (closing of transection)
if not paid reminder(managing this with Samsung notes)
to whom and how much I owe dealer (open transection)
profit and loss.

I manage these with books.

How to approach invoice/bill and add it into inventory(like one bill no and add multiple entries) 
stock/restock inventory

If one of you have made something into past or some example module all will be helpful.

thanks and best regards

thank you sir that worked and I now understood that. Is there a way to do change other textboxes when I select something from combo box without code.

How I can do relation management In combobox like parent child. Select country and select States(auto fill) and select states. Which again populate pincode combobox and other elements (like text box). Using no code.

New here so any help all good.