I think it is better to make a simple test on the problem you encountered (incompatible "extended" type). It is faster to spot the problem in this way.
If the output is can be done by a simple search, then make use of it. making it to script is a last resort for me.
51 2023-10-22 22:38:36
Re: date filter (8 replies, posted in General)
52 2023-10-18 15:18:01
Re: ParentComboBox (11 replies, posted in General)
I cannot find or test the Property for the ParentCombobox.
dbFilter is a better workaround for me. It's powerful and can be used in so many way.
53 2023-10-16 16:35:19
Re: my solution to debug errors (5 replies, posted in General)
but if you really want to have the minimal keyboard interaction when changing the uses, then i'm thinking something like this
procedure m(aMsg: Variant);
procedure xm(aMsg: Variant);
// do nothing
adding/removing x before the test will just take 1 keystroke from your keyboard. rather than delete, then typing 1 or 0.
54 2023-10-16 16:23:11
Re: my solution to debug errors (5 replies, posted in General)
im using a similar procedure to this one.
procedure sm(aMsg: Variant);
i'm curios to what will be the use case of v: integer.
are you perhaps want to disable the message before deploying your application?
if so, I would rather comment the line, than looking for all my uses of the procedure
// ShowMessage(VarToStr(aMsg));
or if you want to keep the test, then why not just comment the line of the test.
// sm('two');
55 2023-10-06 13:48:30
Re: Color Patern - Solved (6 replies, posted in General)
You need to execute it
56 2023-09-30 05:50:41
Re: Continue printing in the second page (4 replies, posted in General)
been working with fastreport embedded in MVD for couple of years now and I just learn this trick now. Thanks sparrow.
57 2023-09-30 04:28:46
Re: RC5 Encrypt and Decrypt (2 replies, posted in General)
Source for Delphi:
https://delphisources.ru/pages/faq/base … ption.html
Thank you for this one. Will add this as a reference.
58 2023-09-28 22:00:07
Topic: RC5 Encrypt and Decrypt (2 replies, posted in General)
Hello. Is there anyone know what was used in the functions EncryptRC5, EncryptFileRC5, DecryptRC5 and DecryptFileRC5? I want to access encrypted file/String from this function and access it on my Delphi application.
Thanks in advance.
59 2023-08-15 09:47:59
Re: myvisualdb : last update in 2021 (3 replies, posted in General)
Hello. Dmitry do have official statement on not continuing MVD. But it is a mature one. I've built several database applications with this one. For me, having developing on Delphi for quite some time now is a plus. MVD for me rocks if you want to develop standalone database applications. Shifted to Delphi due to software requirements, If the map just been updated, this is solid.
60 2023-05-25 06:51:45
Topic: DynamicWrapperX (1 replies, posted in General)
Hello, Is DynamicWrapperX not working? It throws error Invalid class string ProgID: DynamicWrapperX.
I want to load dll function on my application.
61 2023-04-14 14:49:37
Re: Supported MySQL client version with mvd (5 replies, posted in General)
oh. nevermind. got it working. thanks to chatgpt. it is a server side thing. just change to mysql_native_password on your mysql 8 yves if it is not a big deal on the security measures of your mysql database server and you can connect to it. thanks CDB. been looking for this for quite sometime now.
62 2023-04-14 14:39:43
Re: Supported MySQL client version with mvd (5 replies, posted in General)
There is the possibility you need to change the Authentication method, I have used v8.0 with MVD some time ago and I had to set the authentication method to the legacy type.
do you perhaps have with you a snippet or sample on how to change the auth method?
63 2023-04-13 21:37:41
Re: Piechart Shadow (2 replies, posted in General)
Hi Brian,
Not sure if this is what you needchart.view3d := false;
this is neat, thanks derek. I think ill just have a toggle button to do the trick. but if there are other options that can retain 3d and just remove shadow, that'll be awesome.
64 2023-04-13 21:32:55
Re: Supported MySQL client version with mvd (5 replies, posted in General)
Hello Yves,
I'm using MySQL version 5.6.51 for my MVD LAN-based projects. Unfortunately if I'm not mistaken, this is the latest mysql version you can use with MVD.
65 2023-04-13 07:33:53
Topic: Piechart Shadow (2 replies, posted in General)
hello, anyone familiar with the piechart on TCHart? I've been looking for a solution to remove its shadow. Thanks
66 2023-02-08 05:28:26
Re: Responsive GUI (5 replies, posted in General)
Hello, I worked on a responsive dashboard and used panel for it. This might give you an idea. It is not perfect, but might help.
67 2022-12-23 11:30:21
Re: i m so sad (7 replies, posted in Talks about all)
si dmitry ne veut pas continuer à développer MDV, pourquoi ne pas transmettre le code source à un autre développeur?(we can not add components or controls to MDV)
It has been a concern since then. But the thing is that MVD was created using a legendary and old version of Delphi I'm not so sure to what exact version 5 or 7 maybe. There are also tons of components to consider. If you have tried Developing using Delphi, you'll understand giving project code to someone will be difficult. Having license to these components to continue developing MVD will cost you fortune for sure.
68 2022-12-22 01:53:14
Re: i m so sad (7 replies, posted in Talks about all)
i m so sad when i see no new posts in this forum.
i check the forum evry day . And i m so sad also to see such a good software such MDV will be discontined .
just i want to know if is there any future for this good and unique software in the internet.
Have a good day for all.
Dmtry's not gonna continue developing MVD so far he said on this thread http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=8261
So far, I can continue developing software in MVD without any problem, we just add components (new app that access same database using Delphi - an expensive one thou) to cope some features that MVD can't handle such as the Map for the component used by MVD's not working anymore with google map's update
69 2022-12-15 16:50:21
Re: Database Schema Diagram / ERD (4 replies, posted in General)
Maby this one will help you..
I think he's asking on the third party software/library used by MVD to create DB diagram automatically.
Are you perhaps just looking for a library to be embedded to an application teco?
Or you just needed a tool? If so, then perhaps this list would be nice to try https://www.guru99.com/free-database-di … tools.html
I'm using Navicat Premium(this one's not on that list and is paid thou) on managing my databases and it can do this on its Reverse Database to Model. It also allows you to create a model, then sync it to database or export to sql, etc.
Navicat also has their Data Modeler w/ free version, the Essentials but with limited to just creating your model/diagram, then saving it to image or pdf. Exporting it to sql or connecting to database will need a subscription.
70 2022-12-15 16:21:52
Re: [РЕШЕНО]Триггер не срабатывает по значению поля NULL (5 replies, posted in Russian)
Nice. It seems you got the solution then.
You can also try the condition <=>
Sorry, I don't speak Russian so I have to use G.Translate first.
CREATE DEFINER=`******`@`%` TRIGGER `pk_adi`.`edit_anketa_napravl_spec` AFTER UPDATE ON pk_adi.anketa FOR EACH ROW
Set @var_napravl_spec1 = Old.napravl_spec;
IF @var_napravl_spec1 IS NULL then Set @var_napravl_spec1 = 'пусто'; End If;
Set @var_napravl_spec2 = New.napravl_spec;
IF @var_napravl_spec2 IS NULL then Set @var_napravl_spec2 = 'пусто'; End If;
Set @fi= (SELECT CONCAT(fullname," ",name) FROM anketa WHERE id=Old.id);
set @idU = New.id_users1;
set @nKart = Old.n_abit;
IF !(old.napravl_spec <=> new.napravl_spec) THEN
INSERT INTO log_extend VALUES(NULL,@idU,SYSDATE(),CONCAT("изменение поля <<специальность документа об образовании>> в № карточки ",@nKart," ",@fi,". Было: ",@var_napravl_spec1,", стало: ",@var_napravl_spec2));
End if;
71 2022-12-14 07:21:13
Re: [РЕШЕНО]Триггер не срабатывает по значению поля NULL (5 replies, posted in Russian)
Hello, I'm not sure to what field are you trying to cite here. The name perhaps? try using COALESCE while doing CONCAT with nullable fields
CONCAT(COALESCE(fullname,"")," ",COALESCE(name,""))
72 2022-11-27 13:39:46
Re: message for birthday (21 replies, posted in General)
Here's an idea. Hope it can be a start to what you want to do with it.
73 2022-10-21 02:33:41
Topic: Hoping for MVD Comeback (1 replies, posted in General)
I hope Dmitry can consider this. We would love to support you on this one.
74 2022-10-19 09:07:04
Re: Get serial number from pc (3 replies, posted in General)
I don't know if you are trying to get the Disk's serial. but you can use the function in the right side of the script
75 2022-10-05 23:00:00
Re: please help, Can the project be connect with Microsoft sql server? (9 replies, posted in General)
Is there a more secure way to connect to a SQL Server, everything is readable in the script file. Could it be possible to connect using ODBC connection directly so it is not hard coded?
Here's my way of adding security to it. I think direct ODBC connection is not possible in Pascal Script.