(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello Sparrow,
Thanks for the guidance. The output Report will contain details from multiple tables in multiple tabular form. I shall try the INNER JOIN query and update how it goes.


(3 replies, posted in General)

Three tables are T1,T2.T3.T1 is parent table (having fields F1,F2) and T2,T3 are child tables( both containing fields id_F2).
T2 and T3 have multiple rows with id_F2. Report is needed for a particular value of F2, containing all records from T2 and T3..
Should the report button be in the form saving data to T1?
Will calculated fields in T1 help? Or  SQL query using inner join needed?


(15 replies, posted in General)

Hello Sparrow,
Congratulations for the excellent scanning application. It worked well with my Canon DR C225 scanner. Is it possible to add the following features?
a) Dropdown for Resolution with options like 150,300,600,1200, Match page resolution.
b) Continuous scanning/batch scanning of pages and saving files at the end. This feature is needed to quickly scan a bunch of pages.
c) Option to set File name in a pre-defined format like ABC_001. This is needed for batch scanning.
d) Dropdown for page size with options like A4, A5, Match page size etc. Match page option is needed to do batch scan containing a bunch of pages of different sizes.
e) Further enhance the Edit window to show all scanned images, with option to reorder/edit images. This will help to export pages in pdf format in correct order.



(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello Sparrow,
Thank you for the excellent examples that illustrate how the LIKE, BETWEEN operators and Substring Function may be used. Thanks also for suggesting excellent web resource.


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hello Sparrow,
Your code works perfectly. Thanks a lot for the code and explaining it so clearly. Lesson learnt! However I tried unsuccessfully to get the desired output using LIKE operator. Any suggestion please?


(6 replies, posted in General)

Hi Vladimir,
The filter AA_009_Day_Appo.Date_Appo='Date' gives no error message but no output in the table grid, even if there is appointment today. Date_Appo field type is Date.

Hello everyone!
I am trying to create Form1 as noticeboard. I wish to show today’s appointment in the lower table grid. The data is in the table AA_009_Day_Appo. Can you please suggest the correct Filter to achieve the desired output?


(10 replies, posted in General)

Hello Derek,
How do you do? I am ok. Thanks for your reply. Only this form tends to open slowly, possibly due to many relationships and calculated fields as you correctly remember.
I have now added a filter id>2000 and a second table grid for search results. That way the form loads fast, can see/edit the recent registrations and search the database for old patients. The application is helping run my clinic efficiently. I send out birthday greetings by WhatsApp everyday to patients. Occasionally was embarrassed by relatives of deceased patients. So added a column Life_Status!
I am indebted to you and other experts in this Forum who have helped me  from the very beginning and at every step of its development. I will upload the project some time later for scrutiny. Surely there will be many areas to improve.


(10 replies, posted in General)

I am facing similar problem. The patient register form takes about 9-10 seconds to load. Is it possible to set a filter in the table grid settings to display last 20 entries or entries made in last 1 week only?


(34 replies, posted in General)

Hello Derek,
What does the code  procedure frmEmployees_OnShow (Sender: TObject; Action: string) do?
You have used the procedure frmEmployees_TableGrid1_OnCellClick (Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer); to activate the search button, and not used incremental search in tablegrid1. Is it because the search is on a different table, not directly related to tablegrid1?


(8 replies, posted in Database applications)

MVD is an outstanding database IDE application at affordable price. The forum support is mind blowing. All the doubts and roadblocks encountered during application development are answered by learned forum members.
Personally, last 4 years has been a great learning experience for me. I am able to develop many standalone Windows database applications which are used by me on a daily basis, thanks to the enormous support I received from the forum members and forum discussions.
I only wish that MVD is developed further and lives on.


(24 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello Derek,
Thank you and Sparrow. The code will be very useful.


(24 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello Derek,
You pointed that there is a method to convert number to words in the FastReport also. Can you please elaborate?


(24 replies, posted in Reports)

Hello Derek,
Thank you for the solution, which works perfectly as usual.
I understand that here to save the cf_grandvalue to words in the invoice table, I need to use the Save button Onclick event (Form2_Button1_OnClick). For any other Edit field, where the value is directly entered in the form, I can use OnChange event linked to the Edit field to convert the value to words in another Edit field in the form.
Also I understand the need for dbupdate on closure of Form2, and deletion of data in Form1. However, why is formfalse needed?


(24 replies, posted in Reports)

I have a calculated field (cf_grandtotal) which has a currency value. How can I convert this value to words that will appear in the report like "Total amount paid is ____" where the blank space will display the cf_grandtotal converted to words.

Hello Derek,
Thanks again. A new learning for me, how to combine the best of tablegrid and combobox properties. Now detailed search operations can be done on the tablegrids and the selected record gets updated in the comboboxes, which are saved. I agree, keeping 2 tablegrids side-by-side make it  easier for data-entry than using page-control. Also I noticed that in the CASE expression, you have used >= sign instead of > sign. This addresses the situation when the lens_price equals the frame_price.

Thank you so much Derek. The solution works perfectly. The calculated fields for Lens price and Frame price are definitely not required. I was trying to get the CASE expression right.
In F5_Spectacle_Order, I have used 2 tablegrids for Frames and Lenses. As there are 100s of frames and lenses, I thought of adding few Search criteria (eg price range)  in each of the tabsheet. In this situation, where will the search function work better- tablegrid or combobox? Also as you found editing a record becomes little problematic with Tablegrid, which will be the better option?

I want to create a calculated field ( cf_discount) in the table aa_005_Spectacle_Order whose value will be lesser of the Frame_price and Lens_Price in the order. The spectacle-buyer needs to pay only for the Frame or the Lens, whichever is greater, and the value of the other item equals the discount. Something is going wrong. Please help.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hello Sparrow,
Your solution is spot-on! This was exactly what I was trying to achieve. The table-grid now displays the current rating of the fund invested.
Thanks a lot.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Hello Sparrow,
Sorry for the unintended inconvenience. Database file is little big and I am unable to post the same. I have uploaded it at Dropbox.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7wy65fxaynnuk … 8.zip?dl=0 Please have a look.


(5 replies, posted in General)

Please have a look at the attached project file.


(5 replies, posted in General)

I am trying to update a mutual fund database program. I just want that the tablegrid7 in LU_Form_012_MF_Invested display the Rating of fund when Combobox1 changes. This will give the investor a better idea of the fund being invested. This form saves the combobox1 data to the table AA_012_FundsInvested. The search button28 searches table AA_014_MF_Rating. If the search component is combobox1, it returns all records,while if it is combobox2 (foreign key AA_014_MF_Rating.id_LU_003_FUND_SELECT), it works ok. However I do not want to again select fund in combobox2, to get the search result. How can I get search result automatically from combobox1 change? Please see the attachment.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi Sparrow,
Thanks for making the concept clear to me. I think the ability to drag a file into a document field will be a very useful option, in many of my projects.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hi Sparrow,
Thank you. The solution works perfectly. Just want to know what does (ArrayOfFiles[0]) signify? What modification needs to be done if file type is LinkFile?


(4 replies, posted in General)

Is it possible to drag a file from Windows explorer, directly to a field in a form, which is of type StoreFile?