Hello guys,

I need some help with the experts here. I would just like to know if is it possible to create a "File tracking/routing system" with MVD?

I already created some of the main forms but I am having trouble assigning columns and specific drop down boxes.

I have attached the flowchart for my file routing project.

Can you please tell me if this project is doable in MVD? maybe hard but still doable?


Thanks smile

Hello, How do I extend the printing of a report from 1 page to page 2?

I am able to perfectly create a working sheet/report but sometimes on the memo box
there is a lot of characters and words and it will extend to page 2.

Can you please show me how to extend the printing from the list in page 1 to list in page 2?


Hello guys. I would like to know how I can password protect my mvd database after opening it. Just so that my students cannot access it.

Just some simple username/password will do like admin/trainings.

Is there a script I can paste in the script feature?

Thank you so much

Thank you so much, man.  You're the best. It is working perfectly smile

Hi guys, I would just like to know how to make this work.
I need an  image file attached for every student name entry.

I read on the forums that it is a bad idea to store the  images on the database.
I tried to put the "files" command on the copyto but it is not working.

I also tried putting an attach image icon on the form and its not working as well.

I need to input a lot of student entries and their pictures attached can it be setup so that the images/files attached is saved on a separate folder.

My project seems not to be working even I followed the correct instructions. Can anyone please help me achieve this. Here is my attached project.



(4 replies, posted in General)

Thanks for the replies. I'm a bit of confused as I am still a novice, if I use mysql dms instead of sql lite will I still be able to use the MVD application?
I really love the mvd due to its accessibility. 

We have our own server as well and I have installed an sql server on it.  Any ideas or help is greatly appreiated.

Thank you.


(4 replies, posted in General)

Or is there a way for the MVD to work by through WAN or something similar? Thank you again


(4 replies, posted in General)

Hello, I would just like to ask how what tools or what way can I configure the MVD form so that it can be used not on just 1 office but 3 offices interconnected together (Wan). We are connected with a Cisco router.

Will I need to use an sql, or will it need further advanced programming for it?
Basically there are 3 users that will need to have access to the database and they are from different buildings.

Thank you.

Hi guys I would just like to ask if is it possible to have 2 users for the database, like one basic and one for the admin? And restrict a column so that

only the admin can edit it and that column is only viewable by the basic user?
