(36 replies, posted in General)

This is how I designed the relationship between my tables.
This possibly could be a problem with my Table grids.



(36 replies, posted in General)

Say I have two Truck (vehicles). Truck 1 and Truck 2 and they both have their own inventory that they take to the job site.
Well, I want to keep inventory for each truck on my database.

When I made my project I clicked on Truck 1 and you can see and add inventory.
The moment you go to Truck 2 you end up seeing a mirror image of Truck 1 Inventory.

Each Truck has it's own inventory and I would like to keep them separated.


(36 replies, posted in General)

I completed the project...

I have 2 issues:

1. Table Grids are sharing information within the 5  I created.

2. Comboboxes do not retain visible information after exiting database.

I created an example on the exact issues I'm having. Take a look at the zip file above.
"Truck Test.zip"

Not sure how to stop all of my Grid Tables to stop sharing information.


(36 replies, posted in General)

I got some sleep, drank lots of coffee and went at it again with this database. By the way it's kicking my but!!
I had to "KISS" like Tcoton explained. LOL well it's working for me...
which includes 15 forms and managed to get it down to 5 tables. LOL
what a difference.

I'll keep you posted if I managed to work it out. :-D



(36 replies, posted in General)

I made a small database of the truck. If you don't mind taking a look at it to see where I'm messing up.

Thank you,


(36 replies, posted in General)

I wanted to keep each truck with it's own inventory. I didn't know how to go about it any other way.  I was making these decision around 2 am. I can't think clearly during the day, just imagine at Two O Clock in the morning. big_smile

See if I have this right...
To connect the Truck tables in series?

is this correct?


(36 replies, posted in General)

Hello Tcoton,

I think you guessed that right about my design. Man, it really does look messed up. LOL!!!

I got ahead of myself and did not do a rough draft on paper. that's my first problem.
During my creation I was changing my mind left and right and this is the outcome of this spider web.

Thank you,


(36 replies, posted in General)

Hello Tcoton,

I added another picture to explain a little further in depth.
Sorry for the confusion...

In this project I have a form with a trucks information example(truck no., year, vehicle, license, and VIN)
Also all the inventory it carries through his jobs.

Looking at Image 4.jpg:
I have three images numbered as 1, 2, 3.

Starting from number 2.
I added two made up trucks not sure if they exist. :-)
when I save it.

I end up with #3 image.
The combobox must be selected individually
The Vehicles information is not visible after saving it. You must select the vehicle again by each individual combobox.

I would like for each combobox to retain its perspective information for the truck I selected.
I would also like to have the comboboxes automated. Example If I choose the Trucks License No. then, I would like
for this information to present itself automatically on combobox.

Thank you,


(36 replies, posted in General)


I think I'm better off using the ComboBox since they display text.
Is there a possibility doing as image stated?



(36 replies, posted in General)

Hello JB,

I'm making an inventory form for 4 vehicles and want to keep the inventory database separated. Since
the vehicles carry different types of equipment.

for example:

At the top of the image I typed in the trucks information.
I would like for that to stay in the cells  and be visible.

The inventory will be going to the Table grid as normal.

Thank you,


(36 replies, posted in General)

How can I maintain the text  typed in a Text Box visible?

I would like to type in a text box cell and keep if visible at all times.


(14 replies, posted in General)


It worked finally after 50 tries of trial and error. :-)
There was an error on my part. fixed.

Did as you said and it works great!

Thank you,


(14 replies, posted in General)


Great deal of detailed information
So this explains why my files weren't being linked to it's perspective folder.
ahhh makes sense...

Back to my database...

Thank you,


(14 replies, posted in General)


I created three File Databases.
By default the folders are linked to the same folder you choose.

I don't want this...

What I want is for the File Database to have it's own perspective folder and any that I choose.

I used went by the instruction..
but couldn't seem to even make that work.

What am I doing wrong here?

I used:


(6 replies, posted in General)


sorry for the late response...  big_smile
I was caught up on graphic designing for the software.

I sent you my project.

again Thank you,


(6 replies, posted in General)

Just looked at  the files properties and it's 15.8 MB


(6 replies, posted in General)

I'm having trouble uploading the zip file to the forum.
I removed the .exe and the .dll files.
I tried this about 10 times. LOL

can I email it to you?


(6 replies, posted in General)


I'm currently making a database for my dyno tune that get emailed to me for vehicle performance.

I made three tables:

1. Tune (table)   (dyno tune files sent to me by tuner)
2. Status (table) ( example: bad tune, installed in vehicle etc..)
3. Tuner (table)    (The technician's company address)

Tune Form (image):
How can I get the Image to copy/paste itself when I add it to the 'Vehicle Form'?
I have to manually add both pictures. I don't want to do this.

Tune Form (Add Vehicle Button) just below the vehicle picture.
I originally wanted my vehicles Year,Make,Model, Engine information to be extracted from the Vehicle Form.
Since I couldn't do it. I made a long button and named it "Add Vehicle"

any suggestions?


(4 replies, posted in General)

Thanks Dmitry.


(4 replies, posted in General)


I'm 3 days new to My Visual Database...
I've been working really hard  on making my first working software for the past three days and nights.
I made four databases and they still don't work. LOL
Finally, finished one this morning at 2:00 am and it works GREAT!

I noticed the executable files are in a folder.
If I wanted to use this database at work, I have to use it as is?
or is their a way to compile the folder into one working executable file?

Thank you.


(2 replies, posted in General)

Hello JB

This helps a lot!! Thank you bro.
Greatly appreciate it.



(2 replies, posted in General)

How can I add a hyperlink to a button?


(2 replies, posted in General)

LOL!! that was the problem..
I've been working at it and trying to figure it out and literally forgot about the save button.

thank you.


(2 replies, posted in General)

I created only one table with approx 5 line items and everything was working fine.
Later I decided to add another 15 line items in the same table.
Now when I run the software and save new information that I just added. Unfortunately some of the items that I want
to view on the grid table aren't being show.

I know where the problem lies but, just don't know how to fix this.
picture below provide detailed info on this problem.