Again, thank you very much for responding, as well as clarifying the issue of copying elements. I used to select them with the "shift" key, but I hadn't noticed the "select all" option.
I want to share that I used to use a software called Clarion (I no longer use it because when they made changes to the working environment, it became very complex for me to use, in addition to the language issue). So, one looks for something similar for the sake of time, and MVD stands out for its simplicity and clean interface.
At this point, I want to talk about the radical changes in the working interface of different programs as they evolve. I am 62 years old. I graduated as an electrical and electronics technician in 1980. In 1988, I bought a PC 286, and I got hooked. At that time, the operating system was MS-DOS, and then came Windows 3.0 and all the subsequent changes. Some were good, but others were so drastic that, in my opinion, they clashed with reality and caused the implementation to fail.
In 1990, driven by design, the company I worked for (state energy, 500 kV interconnected system) needed to convert all the plans from paper to magnetic support. They had brought a Compaq 386 PC from the United States with Windows, an office package (I think it was Works), AutoCAD V10, and a Calcomp pen plotter - a real treasure. This forced me to learn technical English and taught myself AutoCAD V10 (there were no courses available), eventually becoming proficient in CAD to the point of programming in Lisp.
In addition, I sought more powerful tools such as Microstation (excellent CAD software), Solid Works, Vectorworks, and others. Back then, very few people in the private sector had computers capable of running programs like AutoCAD, and in Argentina, the prices of equipment and software were very high, making it a challenge to have good equipment. I worked in many fields: construction, electricity, oil, medicine, etc., and for many companies.
I apologize for detailing my experience and expressing my gratitude for having discovered the wonderful world of informatics at its beginnings. If there's any way I can be helpful, it would be my pleasure to contribute. Please feel free to ask me anything.
Now, a point that I find relevant is that there have been attempts in the forum to translate the program. Is there a Spanish translation available? If not, I'm willing to collaborate on the translation and test it. I've translated manuals to Spanish using Google and other online tools, so if you think it's a good idea, I can upload them for anyone who needs them.
Greetings, and thank you very much for your attention.