Topic: Movin Data From list 1 to 2

hi for instance i have List A that have all information when i buy car and the same time this list for me  its like Warehouse i store card into it and after while i sold this car ( LIst ) B ofcorse i will Add more information to it like name of the person i sold to and price ect .... i want when i do this will go out from LIST A as warehouse and be in List B as Sold List i make ex but i dont know if  best way to do it like this or not  so love to have ur idea


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Re: Movin Data From list 1 to 2

any body can help please  ?

Re: Movin Data From list 1 to 2

I am not sure if you have a need to store the cars you 'buy' and the cars you 'sell' in 2 separate tables with all the extra problems that might cause.
You could use just 1 table with extra fields to hold additional information about the 'sold price', 'sold date' etc.
Then all you need is 2 grids with filters - one grid automatically shows cars that haven't been sold (for example, with a 'sold price = 0.00) and the other grid automatically shows cars that have been sold (sold price > 0.00).
I have attached a little example of how I might do it if it helps.

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Attachment icon cars bought and 336.57 kb, 489 downloads since 2015-11-10 

Re: Movin Data From list 1 to 2


Please download the project:

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Attachment icon 5.97 kb, 505 downloads since 2015-11-10 


Re: Movin Data From list 1 to 2

derek  Dmitry Thank You for ur great Support