Topic: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

How can I align or stick tablegrid to bottom?

There is no option that align tablegrid to bottom "issue - what i want is to stick tablegrid to bottom so whenever window or form get resized tablegrid also get resized.

totally beginner here please help :?

2 (edited by derek 2017-04-27 15:57:54)

Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

Hello Kim143,

Welcome to MVD - good choice!

To align a tablegrid (or any component - grid, label, panel etc), place the component where you want to see it on the form and then change the 'anchors' object property (see screenshot in the attachment);  depending on your choice, this will determine how the component behaves when the form is resized.  The component itself cannot be resized (as far as I know) - just the form.

In the attachment are a couple of examples of tablegrids, labels and panels that have different 'anchor' properties - as you resize the form, you'll see how they move depending on their 'anchor' settings.

Just a tip - if you have a tablegrid and a label, it is probably better to place them both on a panel and then set the 'anchor' object properties for the panel otherwise the label and the tablegrid can get a bit out of alignment (in the attachment, tablegrid3 and label3 have both been placed inside panel1 so they alway 'stick together' when moved).  Hope I've explained that clearly!

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, just ask and someone in the Forum (or Dmitry - Mr MVD!, the author of the software) will get back to you.


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Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

thank you soo much @derek. One more question how can i do tabbing when i open more than one forms so i can switch between those forms(like firefox tabbing you can close the tab but you can't minimize the tab). I tried page control but all tabs are open all the time I don't need that.

again thanks mate. smile

Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

Hi Kim,
If I understand your question correctly, then it's not really how MVD works.
Forms are opened more in a hierarchy so when you want to 'switch', subordinate forms need to be closed first. 
For me, that's the main reason to use 'page control'.  Each tabsheet becomes, in effect, a form (but with no hierarchy) which enables you to switch between tabsheets/'forms' without restriction.
If you don't want all of the tabsheets to be displayed all the time, you can set the 'tabvisible' property of any of the tabsheets to 'false' or 'true' depending on which tabsheets you want to see.
How  you best do that depends on why you only want certain tabsheets showing rather than all of them, so if you can give a bit more background to your project, then people might be able to come up with further ideas.

Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

thanks @derek for helping me out. Right now I am in learning process.  I don't have real projects in my hand to build (but may be in future I will build one for my company If I can learn MVD properly lol), also I am not a programmer or software designer. I just learned what is database normalization and how to implement it. I am going through lot of tuts.

Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

Hi Kim,
Most of us probably start out the same way as you and then get hooked(!) when you realise how much you can do with MVD.
Attached is an example of how to switch off tabsheets you don't need (there will be other ways too - just tried to make it look like a tabbed web-browser).
Hope it gives you some ideas.

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Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

Thanks @derek so sweet of you can you please look at my this post and help me to figure it out.

8 (edited by derek 2017-04-28 17:37:26)

Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

Hi Kim,
Not quite sure where the problem is with deleting a record;  bear in mind that if you use the auto-increment feature, when you delete a record, that particular number does not get reallocated (ie if you have records 1,2,3,4 and 5 and you delete record 2, the next auto-incremented no' is 6;  record 2 does not get re-used).
Have a look at the attached example and see if it is doing what you expect.

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Re: How can I align tablegrid to bottom? New bie here

thanks @derek I understood what you mean. which language should i learn do write my own script. If I am going to use  this software for long amount of time I had to learn few more things and can you please look at this combo box issue