1 (edited by anakin 2019-01-20 00:37:09)

Topic: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll


Can anyone help me with this project? I'm new to MVD, I can't seem to finish my simple payroll project.

simple payroll: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10ResX … oT5kfJFdTP


---may the force be with you!

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Anakin,
Please find attached 2 versions of your payroll project to give you some ideas how you might want to tackle it.
Version 1 is more straightforward with hardly any script.
Version 2 uses more script to make the application more 'interactive' - it's more to show you the sort of things that you can do with MVD when you get more comfortable with it.
But just as with your 'maintenance' project, the basic principle of a hierarchy of tablegrids and forms is the same;  it's a principle that underpins pretty much any MVD project.
I'll try and have a look at your 'warehouse' question but from a quick glance at the spreadsheet, it will be much the same approach. 
One thing I'd suggest would be to use just one table ('movements') to hold all deliveries, despatches, stock adjustments etc with each row being identified by a 'movement type'.  It should simplify things greatly when showing things like stock holdings etc.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon payroll versions.zip 696.77 kb, 408 downloads since 2019-01-20 

3 (edited by anakin 2019-01-24 06:03:07)

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek,

I like the payroll version 2. I just need help with how to separate the "Basic Pay" from the "Additions" on a separate column in the grid. This means that an employee will have Basic Pay, +Additions, then -Deductions. We should see it separately in the grid with separate entries. So that we'll know the details in one glance. Can you help me modify the Payroll version 2? Again, you've been very helpful. Big Thanks


---may the force be with you!

4 (edited by derek 2019-01-24 23:07:57)

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hello Anakin,
Attached is an update of the project with the 'basic pay' showing as a discrete column.
A couple of other changes:
1)  all the numeric column headings, cells and footers are now right-aligned.
2)  the 'search' field accepts first name, last name, payroll id or position (basically, anything that you can see in tablegrid1 you can search on).
Hope this enables you to move things along a bit.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon payrollv3.zip 347.31 kb, 367 downloads since 2019-01-25 

5 (edited by anakin 2019-01-25 09:57:24)

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek,

What you did was superb! Thanks for sharing your brilliance.
I got some questions though:

1. In the payroll, i can't seem to rename some items, ex. Payroll Items
I wanted to rename some labels: Basic Pay to Fixed Rate etc

This happens IF i have already inputted some data. But if i delete all data, i can rename them. Is there a way to rename them even if i have already inputted data in the payroll?
The error says, "database is locked..."

2. Is there a way to put a Quantity (Qty) on the Payroll Items? it should be multiplied to the amount of the Items to yield a Total.
Meaning that the Payroll Items Grid should have: Item,  Type,  Note,  Amount, QTY, Total

Please help.



---may the force be with you!

6 (edited by derek 2019-01-27 11:29:02)

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Anakin,
Added 'quantity' and 'amount' to give a Payroll Item total.
The way I've done it is that if a 'quantity' and 'amount' is entered, then the 'item total' is calculated.  But it is also possible to not enter anything in 'quantity' and 'amount' and just enter a value directly into the 'item total'.  If you don't need that flexibility, then you could force the user to always something in 'quantity' and 'amount' and make the 'item total' read-only.
Not sure why you would be getting a database locked error - changing the text of the payroll item doesn't touch anything critical in the table structure.  Is the error repeatable or was it just a 'one off'?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon payroll4.zip 353.81 kb, 370 downloads since 2019-01-27 

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek,

It all works now, just what i needed! Thank you.

I just need help in making a report for individual payroll that looks like this attached excel file.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xpDs_ … lJ7GISKhLv

Please help me in making the report format. i got lost in the report designer.

Thanks a lot!


---may the force be with you!

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Anakin,
I hardly use Fast Report but I had a quick go at creating a 'salary slip'.
I'm sure you'll want to change the layout to better suit your own requirements but the data is all there and the figures seem to add up, which is the main thing that I was concentrating on!

Post's attachments

Attachment icon payroll5.zip 357.12 kb, 355 downloads since 2019-01-28 

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek!

You are brilliant!
Thank you.

You've helped me solve my problem! In my own previous work with payroll4 in FastReport I got messed-up with multiple lines of the same item appearing down the page. I didnt know what to do. But your example did the job.

My concern now is how to hide Item that have no values, so that they wont appear blanks in the report. Any idea? Thanks!


---may the force be with you!

10 (edited by derek 2019-01-29 23:01:18)

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Anakin,
I couldn't easily work out how to get rid of the items with no values using 'report', so I used 'report(sql)' instead;  anyway, it's probably a bit more efficient to get rid of them in the initial selection rather than take them into the report only to subsequently remove them.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon payroll6.zip 359.37 kb, 449 downloads since 2019-01-30 

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek,

This one works. Thanks!
However, im not yet ok with sqlreport.
Is there other way to modify my payroll to accommodate my desired report output format ? Thanks!


---may the force be with you!

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

If you're meaning the extra lines with £0 values on the payroll breakdown, I don't know of any other way to get round it other than using 'reportsql' rather than 'report'. 
It's easy enough to not print out the item text and the zero value but that still leaves an empty line which doesn't look very good.
As I said earlier, I don't use FastReport very much so maybe someone else has some ideas.

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek,

Thank you again,
As always, you are amazing!


---may the force be with you!

Re: Need Help on my project: Simple Payroll

Hi Derek,
Please can you make an example of the payroll with the following features added?
1. Category of workers(eg. Director, manager etc)
Each category should have fixed amounts assigned to them. Eg. The basic salary for director is 2000.
This means if a worker is director then automatic the basic amount is assigned to him.

I mean each position should have a set of categories assigned to that position and then I can add other duties to them.
