Topic: Multi Select Print

hello friends...
how can i select 2 or 3 rows (multi) and print those rows with updating name that is same in selected rows.. please help..

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Attachment icon 336.8 kb, 289 downloads since 2019-07-26 

Re: Multi Select Print

I must say this seems to be a strange request, but if I understand what you want then see attached for a solution.

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Attachment icon test 338.31 kb, 352 downloads since 2019-07-26 

Re: Multi Select Print

thanks but i need multi selected printig..

Re: Multi Select Print


MultiSelect printing is what I gave you. You select multiple rows in the tablegrid, then click on your MutiSelect Print button which takes you to the Name form to change the name in the selected rows. Then you click on the Print button in the Name form which prints the selected rows with the name change applied. If that's not what you want, then what am I missing? Maybe you could explain a little more in detail.

Re: Multi Select Print

thanks for response ...
i found way to select multiselect print.. how can i check checkbox (in datagrid) by clicking any cell of selected row?

Re: Multi Select Print

I used the same project as before and put in the checkbox method to print selected rows. It is basically the same process as previously submitted. You can click anywhere on the row and the checkbox will be checked and if you click the same row again it will uncheck the checkbox. Then click on the Multi Select button and change the name and the report will print the changed name for the selected (checked) rows.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon test multiselect 339.53 kb, 388 downloads since 2019-07-29 

Re: Multi Select Print

ehwagner wrote:

I used the same project as before and put in the checkbox method to print selected rows. It is basically the same process as previously submitted. You can click anywhere on the row and the checkbox will be checked and if you click the same row again it will uncheck the checkbox. Then click on the Multi Select button and change the name and the report will print the changed name for the selected (checked) rows.

How to put caption on the in the tablegrid on the column checkbox?

Re: Multi Select Print

form1.tablegrid1.columns[0].header.caption := 'column name';

Re: Multi Select Print

thanks ehwagner