Topic: Permission and role,gif,process step question

Hello everyone and thank you for your availability in helping other users.
I would like to ask you three questions:

1- By enabling roles and permissions you get an automatic login form. Can the wrong login password message box be translated into another language? Can you replace the default form with a custom one?

2- I have read several posts about the inclusion of animated gifs, a wonderful feature. Is it possible now to execute the procedures of a script during the execution of the gif?

3- How can I keep the user informed about the progression of a script, for example a script that copies files from one folder to another, providing personalized information on the procedural steps (step1, step2, ... percentage of progression) while running?

Re: Permission and role,gif,process step question

With regard to Question 2, please have a look at the attached.  There are comments in the script so you can see how to set it up.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon 775.68 kb, 299 downloads since 2020-05-14 

3 (edited by madbit71 2020-05-14 17:45:29)

Re: Permission and role,gif,process step question

Thanks Derek.

I had already tried this script and it works very well.
The only problem is that the animation goes into freeze while the script is being executed.

Is there a way to keep it going even while the script is running?

Post's attachments

Attachment icon larsensbooks1.rar 725.87 kb, 293 downloads since 2020-05-14 

Re: Permission and role,gif,process step question

Try the attached.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon larsensbooks 777.13 kb, 334 downloads since 2020-05-14 

Re: Permission and role,gif,process step question

wow ... it's perfect.
Thanks Ehwagner and Derek you have been precious.

Re: Permission and role,gif,process step question

Hi, some news for this?
1- By enabling roles and permissions you get an automatic login form. Can the wrong login password message box be translated into another language? Can you replace the default form with a custom one?