Topic: Trial Balance.

Hi folks I run a charity accounts system in excel.  It is just a nominal ledger.  One sheet is a journal of in and out amounts.
I was wondering if it is possible to do a report or anything with eg.  Account for subscriptions and it's total in and total out.  Another account maybe Electric and it's totals in and out.
Thanks for any help.
Also is it worth carrying on with mvd is there a future

Re: Trial Balance.

On the face of it, it sounds pretty straightforward to summarise (or show details and summary) by N/L codes in FastReport.
If you can attach your project, it would make it easier to see which options fit best with the approach you've already taken.
As for the future of MVD, it is no longer being actively developed but it's already very feature-rich and any help required is almost always forthcoming via the Forum.

3 (edited by alanfallow 2024-05-27 01:37:52)

Re: Trial Balance.

Hi Derek
Thats excellent once i get a bit more done i will attach at some point.  Thanks again for getting back.

PS Just out of curiosity where is the fastreports situated in mvd.

Re: Trial Balance.

Hi Allanfollow, Hello Derek, how are you ?
To use FastReport in MVD, place a button on your form and choose as action: Report if you want to use an existing grid in your report or Action: Report(SQL) if in your report you want to set conditions or integrate data fields. other tables.
You will find in the PJ a little operating procedure that I translated from an article by Dmitri.
It's in French but with the help of Mr Google, you can translate it into your native language.
Come back to us if you have any problems.


Post's attachments

Attachment icon PETIT TUTORIAL POUR CREER UN ETAT AVEC MVD.doc 565.5 kb, 129 downloads since 2024-05-27 

5 (edited by alanfallow 2024-05-27 13:11:34)

Re: Trial Balance.

Hi there I have attached a very basic mvd file and the excel file with the trial balance tab which is what i am trying to create.  Thanks for any help.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Accounts2324.xlsx 114.35 kb, 128 downloads since 2024-05-27 

Re: Trial Balance.

Sorry VDB file.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Accounts.vdb 43 b, 103 downloads since 2024-05-27 

Re: Trial Balance.

Hi Alan,
You can't just attach the .vdb file without all of the related .pas, dll, .xml, .ini files etc.
The easiest way is to delete the .exe file from the folder where you're project exists and then create a .zip file and attach it.

Re: Trial Balance.

What a numpty forgot you would need the database file too.  Thats it now.

PS is there a good place to learn SQLlie language ie sql or just google and youtube.
Thanks again.

Re: Trial Balance.

Unfortunately, your project still hasn't been uploaded so it's hard to make any focused suggestions.
However, on the strength of the spreadsheet that you provided, I just knocked up an 'Aunt Sally' (so expect the odd fault or two!) that might give you some pointers (see attachment).   Obviously, I've made assumptions about a few things (how you do your 'year end', allowing both credit and debit entries against each category (which I noticed is something you don't) etc etc).  But at this stage, it's really just 'ideas'.
The script really isn't as daunting as it might first appear once you've spent a few minutes going through it (and most of it is to do with the 'cosmetics' rather than the 'heavy lifting' which MVD takes care of automatically).
I've not done any reports as I'm not sure at this stage if this is the way you envisage things.
As for picking up SQL, I'm not really one for sitting down with a book!  Anything I've picked up has been from this Forum and by looking at other people's projects, scripts etc to see how they've tackled things - there's nothing like learning on the job.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon nominal 503.97 kb, 113 downloads since 2024-05-30 

Re: Trial Balance.

Derek wow that exactly how i was hoping to go.  That must have taken you ages to do and looks so professional, in my eyes.  Thanks a million.
Just the trial balance would be the icing. 
I sometimes do seperate projects like we got funding for solar so i would presumably do another table for them.

Again thanks a million.

Re: Trial Balance.

Hi Alan,
It doesn't actually take that long - a combination of using a 'template' project and then just some cutting and pasting from other projects and then filling in a few gaps.  And having used MVD for quite a while as well!  big_smile
Not sure what you mean about the 'trial balance' - does what's there already not cover that (see 'alan trial balance.jpg' screen capture in the attachment)?
With regard to additional projects, you have 3 basic options
1.  create a new and totally stand-alone project.
2.  put all your projects in one project but don't have any integration or commonality between any of them (see the attachment as the sort of thing where Form0 is just a menu pointing you to each discrete project).
3. put all your projects in one project and try to integrate them - for example, if they share common tables ('members', 'suppliers' etc).
It's 'horses for courses' which, if any, you go for.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon nominal ledger 504.65 kb, 117 downloads since 2024-05-30 

12 (edited by alanfallow 2024-05-30 14:38:15)

Re: Trial Balance.

Hi thanks yet again.
The trial balance is one of the sheets in the attached spreadsheet.  It is just all the sums of each account attached image and I send it as a report to the charity commission.

Post's attachments

Attachment icon trialbalance.PNG 29.72 kb, 44 downloads since 2024-05-30 

Re: Trial Balance.

Derek i see 2 reports there how do i run them?