(3 replies, posted in General)

I use UNION in some complex report I'm working on MVD. Very powerful, you just have to plan on what report or dataset you want to feed to fastreport.


(1 replies, posted in General)

not sure to what you want here.
As for me, I'm working on a PDF file that i have to populate data.

My way of doing it is to convert the PDF to image and make it as overlay to my report.

I'm having the idea of making a layout similar to the pdf but it'll take longer so I just make it as overlay.
There's a little overhead when it comes to performances and size but it is a single page so I don't bother as long as it is working. smile


(4 replies, posted in Script)

This one is a very difficult to implement if not impossible here in MVD.
this particular problem usually needs a third-party library or component which is for me, MVD's weakness.


(4 replies, posted in Script)

perhaps you might want to have a hardware (qr scanner), then just handle the output.

in most cases, it'll work just like a keyboard that will type the qr-value then followed by Enter.

you can make use of TdbEdit or whatever component you like then just handle the OnKeyPress or KeyUp event.


(3 replies, posted in SQL queries)

Yes, you can connect on MySQL, just make sure you have 5.6 or 5.7 version of mysql

above that esp on ver 8.*.* which i think the MySQL version on your XAMPP, you need to switch to native-password,

you have to enable it on your my.ini with "--mysql-native-password=ON"

You can hide the buttons then just add your custom button or add an onclick event for a non-admin.


(14 replies, posted in General)

As pointed out by derek, that's something to do currency/number formatting. One way I can think of to fix the issue is to have a formatted amortization, save it as string and pass it to the query.


(3 replies, posted in General)

thanks. prahousefamily solution works like charm.

will keep the dll for reference sparrow.


(14 replies, posted in General)

mine is just another workaround, that would really depend on the policy of the company for what is worth. some of them don't want cents in the amortization and in that case, integer division is one way to solve it.


(14 replies, posted in General)

then if you want, you can always check the cents. dividing it by 3, 7 or a like would give such variance.


(14 replies, posted in General)

maybe something like this


(3 replies, posted in General)

Hello, I've been working with firebase function,

I'm encountering problem on the HTTPGet Function to access https request (link on my firebase function)

Is there anyone who knows how to work on https?

here's the link to my firebase function

https://checkupdate-xi3tiqz4rq-uc.a.run … g=sangkapp

I'm trying to access it with this code

  res := HTTPGet('https://checkupdate-xi3tiqz4rq-uc.a.run.app/?prg=sangkapp', True);


(4 replies, posted in General)

Maybe something like this?


(7 replies, posted in FAQ)

You can arrange the tables alphabetically by closing your IDE/opened project, then open the tables.ini in your favorite text editor. This though might not arrange the generated visual structure for that I think is arranged by their corresponding connections. But it will be much easier to locate when you want to update the table's field


(18 replies, posted in General)


sparrow wrote:
darko.bublic wrote:

... Can MVD use the flatbed scanner directly from the program?
Thank you for your reply.

Com port has nothing to do with this.
Directly from the program you can.
But this is not for a beginner and will require you to have sufficient knowledge to write appropriate scripts.
If you are ready to search, read and learn, then you will succeed.

Just realized it by reading the article. Anyway, just thinking maybe darko.bublic wants to create the pdf by directly reading the images from the scanner? Which basically needs a complicated process. I'm no expert in this field. That flatbed I think do have some software and drivers that handle in creating pdfs I think it is easier to have these software and driver to handle these tedious works then just upload it in database via MVD.

Also you might want to check derek's latest post about TWebBrowser Container. It might help with your design.

https://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/view … hp?id=8872

I'm not an expert but here's a sample, worth a try. Unfortunately, I don't have with me a flatbed scanner or other devices to test.

I haven't tried it yet, let's hope someone does. But there is so called TComPort Class embedded in MVD. I believe it is something to do with want you want to attain (communicating with hardware connected to the PC I guess). Not have much of a time to research but try here.

https://blogs.embarcadero.com/powerful- … n-windows/

Not all in that post can be used as to MVD Pascal Script do have limitations such as creating Type, etc

darko.bublic wrote:

Hello everyone
Is it possible to create an application in MVDB for processing PDF documents in such a way as to create a preview window for the selected record?
Thank you in advance

Is there any reason you want to program a window for previewing? For me it is much easier to let your user's PC to handle the viewing of PDF. If no installed PDF viewer, browsers nowadays can pretty handle previewing PDFs. This is if you are accessing a record, a PDF file.

But if you want to create a PDF in MVD using record from your database, then MVD can handle this easily.


(8 replies, posted in Database applications)

SorbMax wrote:

What scripting language do you recommend for someone new to Pascal when working with MVD, and how crucial is it to understand Delphi syntax for MVD scripting?

Some of Delphi syntax like Types will not work in MVD, It is a plus to know Delphi tho but it is not necessarily needed I guess. Familiarize with Pascal Script, then jive to Delphi. You can discover some properties that is not included in MVD  but might work as a script. e.g. the OnActivate property of Forms. This is not present in MVD but is available behind the scene. I discovered this when working on Delphi projects.


(3 replies, posted in General)

Oh, is there any problem with what you are doing? Copying sqlite.db to backup.db? It will always replace backup.db I think. Can you cite some example of what you really want to do so that it is easier to understand like citing filenames, what "one name" are you referring to, etc.


(3 replies, posted in General)

Try replacing the backup.db with the date and time format

procedure form2_Button8_OnClick (Sender: TObject; var Cancel: boolean);
  if CopyFile('sqlite.db', 'Backup\'+FormatDateTime('mm_dd_yyyy_hh_nn_ss', now)+'.db') then showmessage('backup ok');


(6 replies, posted in Script)

Eccalef wrote:

Подвиньтесь, звезды Мишлен, ктоми устроил пир по сценарию! Menu.zip может похвастаться 335,73 КБ чистого кода, причем 378 участников форума уже взяли по байту. Но подождите, 2medhat_zaki добавляет еще одну особенность — «как переместить проект форм в другой проект». Внезапно vovka3003 задается вопросом: «А в чем 'динамичность'..?» Брайан.забалла добавляет остроты, превращая динамическое меню в функцию. Кухня кодирования полна вкусов!

I can't understand Russian, having it translate on google translate seems you're liking the post.
Here's another version of it. A cleaner for me. I think having all the procedure under one procedure is one way to simplify things I guess in pascal.

Keep in mind that the menu procedures will only be accessible inside the MENUINIT procedure in this example.


(14 replies, posted in General)

sparrow wrote:

Brian, Sorry, I didn't look at the sender)))

I'm using a Required parameter but defining the value for the field directly on the form. The value 0 is not informative for me.

p.s. By the way, MARIADB 10.10.3 does not allow you to create from 0.

What you mean by create from 0? Set default value as zero?
If that's the case then most likely MariaDB Ver10.11.2 tcoton's using also not allowing zero as default value then. Sorry for I'm not so familiar with MariaDB since I'm working with MySQL Community edition ever since and don't have time to test on it as of the moment.
Anyway @tcoton, I think setting it as 0000-00-00 instead is not that tedious. You'll only set this once.