Hi guys I woud just like to ask is myvisualdatabase capable of creating graphs and pie charts?
or something similar like bars?

Lets say I have a data that consist of 10 students then 4 of them are absent and 6 of them are present,
I need MVD to show it with bars or pie chart. Is that possible? Even a simple diagram of visual representation will do.

Hope you guys  can answer this.


Thanks again for the detailed explanation.

I learned a lot.

hmmmmm, i think it is still not working on my end.

I tried the example above  as well and it is showing like this one. How do I remove the /tabs, the /pars and the one with the {     }.
Cause if I try a memo instead of a rich text it is working perfectly.

Hi Drivesoft.

I have encountered a similar issue like this before but wasn't able to solve it.
How do you use a richtext object  to a richtext edit? Can you please point to me where the setting is located?

Thanks again guys. I learn new things everyday. smile

Hello k245, Thanks for the help
But it's really weird cause I tried cascade delete on docmaster on dochistory the same way you did and it is still giving me an error.

Hi guys, I  have a weird issue here. How come I can't delete any data on the records.
It seems it is locked or something is preventing me from deleting it.
Is it because of some of the scripts?

Kindly take a look. Thanks

Yes everything is working fine now.

Thanks for sharing your expertise Derek.

I have learned a lot.

Interested, but how do this courses work? Is it like a livestream etc.

@Ttcoton  Thanks for the detailed explanation on the script.

Thanks again Derek. Also The "hotspot" feature is really awesome.  But it seems not to be working if the command is set to linkto instead of copyto.

I need the file to be save inside the Attachments folder with the MVD folder on the shared folder for our lan (5 people), so that when adding the attachments the other person can also see it on their end. I tried to use the script on the Attachment1 and Attachment2 but to no avail that is why I am using the old

Form1.DBImage1.loadfromdatabase('docmaster','attachment1', Form1.TableGrid1.dbitemid);

and a button.

Can your hotspot feature work with the "linkto" option? It will be really nice.

by the way if I share the sqllite.db on the LAN, the database get shared but the attachments aren't seen. Should I just create a shortcut of the app itself on the shared folder and share that the desktop of the users?

Sorry for asking a lot of questions. smile

If others have ideas, please don't hesitate to share it as well. Thanks guys!

Hi guys, I would just like to ask how to turn the cell red if the date is 5 days after the document is received but it would overwrite it and turn green if the status on the dropdown box says  "for printing, For dissemination to concerned offices and filed".

I was able to find the same issue with this one.


I tried to use the same script and only able to turn it to green but cannot turn overdue documents to red.

also I'd like to thank Derek for helping me with this project.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks guys.

I can't thank you enough  Derek.

It is very impressive and the workflow is very efficient as well.

Hi tcoton.
Thank you for your valuable input.  I would just like to ask, did you use mvd for your tracking app? if so can I take a look at it? (g0dmenuelz@yahoo.com).  I am very new to scripting and the triggers are beyond me but I'd really love to learn and implement it here and get this project working.

Essentially there are 2 main issues that is very hard for me, the status with its date and the countdown. Please bear with me.

When you mentioned having another table for tracking the status ( Draft, Finalized, For initial, Signed, Filed, Archived) do I need to have 2 save buttons as well on each form? (1 for each table).

Do you have a script from your previous projects where the status or something similar automatically creates a date (trigger)?

I think once we have a solution for this I can then proceed to the countdown issue.

Hopefully the other experts here will also provide some valuable feedback.

Thanks again. smile

Here is the workflow.

Replace the manager with  hrdschief.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi guys and experts in MVD.

Can you please provide inputs and constructive feedback for my paper routing.

This is just a simple file tracking project. I already got the forms and also the workflow.

I think It is missing a countdown/ timer cause a document should only have 5 days otherwise it should turn red or flash.

I am looking at the countdown project by AD1408, Derek and ehwagner

http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewt … 01&p=2

What other things do you guys think the project really need?

Thanks again. smile

Hi Derek. It is working perfectly.

After all the workflow is done with the document we will then print a hard copy of the "action taken/attachment 2"  then store it in a real folder (filedto)

Thanks again. smile

I would just like to ask one more thing.

I would like to do this with an attachment as well, if I highlighted a row with an attachment there is a corresponding box on the right side of the screen
similar to the preview of the image and I can click it to open the document.

I tried to replace the script with this one so that when I press enter on the keyboard it will show but it is not working and shows an undeclared error. (DBFile2)

procedure frmEmployee1_TableGrid1_OnEnter(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer);
    frmEmployee1.DBFile1.loadfromdatabase('receiving','attachment2', frmEmployee1.TableGrid1.dbitemid);

I tried to create a specific button to show the attachment but to no avail. Can you please help me the exact procedure for one form? Thank you.

Awesome! Thank you so much.

Hello, I would just like to ask how to show an image like a preview when it is highlighted in a box.

I tried to make it work so that every time the image is highlighted on the row on frmReceivingmain, Hrdschiefmain, frmEmployee1, frmEmployee2, frmEmployee3 and frmEmployee4 it will show a preview but unfortunately it is not working.

Derek provided me a similar code on one of my previous projects,

 procedure frmReceivingmain_TableGrid1_OnKeyUp (Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift, Alt, Ctrl: boolean);
  frmReceivingmain.DBImage1.loadfromdatabase('receiving','attachment1', frmReceivingmain.TableGrid1.dbitemid);

procedure frmReceivingmain_TableGrid1_OnClick (Sender: TObject);
  frmReceivingmain.DBImage1.loadfromdatabase('receiving','attachment1', frmReceivingmain.TableGrid1.dbitemid);

May I ask what I did wrong here and how can I correct it and apply it to the forms.

Thank you.

Thanks Derek, The combo box idea is great.

Also the login system and the scripts is working perfectly. smile

Hello guys. I need some guidance from the experts here regarding how to assign grids or who can view them in my Paper Routing System/ Document management system project.

I am having trouble with assigning and making the grid show only for the specific person. For example on my attached project once the manager reviews the document encoded by the "Receiver" he can then select who he wants to assign the document to.  He wants to assign it to "Joelen" (employee1).

How can I make it so that on Joelen's form only the documents assigned to him will show? Thanks.

Also the login form is based on the http://myvisualdatabase.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1437 and unfortunately it is not working because of an error undeclared identifier at 32:36 so I temporarily disabled the scripts.

Thank you and any help is appreciated. smile

Thanks so much guys! All your suggestions are working perfectly.

After researching it seems the default is that it searches and displays the result alphabetically that is why 11 , 12 or 13 comes before 2.

How can I make it search and display numerically instead so that 2 comes before 11 12 and 13 etc.?

Thanks again.

Hi guys any help is appreciated.

The problem is that on my database I need to sequence or sort the search result like this one.

1. Landscape training
2. Mountain test
3. Drone test

But on number 12 and 13 and so on it goes like this

1. Landscape training
12. Equipment testing
13. Table inspection
3. 3. Drone test

How can I sort it so that the 12 comes after 11 and will not come after number 1?
by the way the numbers is part of the title.

Thanks again smile


(7 replies, posted in General)

Hi I am new to MVD as well.

But per checking on your "print button" it seems your "fast report" settings is not yet setup.

Please click the print button then set your "fast report settings" by dragging the data on the left right side

to the middle of the paper.

Here is the exact guide.
